That’s right, seems that’s all we get these days now. Summer seems to leave this area a lot faster than in California. I never really complained about winter weather anyway. Gives me a good excuse to buy a new jacket or sweater. Haven’t been around much, have been doing things with a friend, so been busy with that. Went down to Brighton today, was really nice there, the pier is awesome when it’s raining, the water splashing up and all. The winds were so high me and my friend were laughing as we crossed the street to head on down to the pier. Had some proper Fish & Chips, but also had salad with it. Went to a little pub after and had a nice glass of red wine, we went on to look around at the shops, and we went into this sex toy shop, hehe I get embarrased going in there, but I browsed and looked, and then we walked out.
Tomorrow my friend is going to the local church, I told her tonight, that I don’t feel I want to go because I don’t think I am ready for that. Not that I don’t believe in God or Jesus Christ, but I don’t feel comfortable going to mass, from my experience as a girl, it was boring, but I say that because I was a “girl” and well kids are always bored in mass. I know I need to be more open, but I just don’t think now is the time, and I don’t want to go because someone is pushing me to go, I want to go because ” I ” want to go. I think you see what I mean.
I have been wanting to watch the movie The Da Vince Code, I read the book and I am thrilled to see it, just have not got a chance to do so, I think this coming week, I’ll go and rent it. Seen Saw II tonight, haha wow that was great and what an ending huh? I need to do laundry tomorrow, my friend needs some of her things washed before heading back to the city for work. Lot’s happening in my life that I don’t really want to talk about, some not so nice things, but we’ll see huh?
Yay! Your blog is back. =) Glad to hear you’re having good times with a friend. I’m kind of dreading going back to Chicago because of the cold weather…but I’m still enjoying the Cali sun. I love the layout, btw. =)
Nice to see you’ve opened your blog again; I missed coming to your site.
We’re getting a lot of rain here, too. It’s been a rainy summer in general. Haha, I get embarrased going into sex shops too, but that hasn’t stopped me from buying..things, lol. Besides, can’t be any worse than working in one.
Saw II was awesome, the ending was totally unexpected. I love twists like that.
..”not-so-nice things”? Aw, I hope everything’s okay hun.