Last night I was watching a special on TV about 911 and all. Was so sad, made me cry several times. Today I go to log into my email address, and what do I see on the news on the main page. Well British architects Lords Foster and Rogers have unveiled their first designs for new towers at the World Trade Centre site. It look beautiful, lot’s of mirrors type material, I wonder if that may cause problems there, well here is an image of it.
It’s beautiful isn’t it? You can read the full story here. I’ve seen one other picture of what it may look like, but from the article it says there have been 3 buildings made of what they can look like. I’m sure these will be constructed even better. When I watched the TV show last night, they were saying that some of the walls were made of plaster, would that be a good thing, or a bad thing? From what I seen, several people were rescued because they were made of plaster, even some of the survivors were surprised, because as one said, it looked like concrete, and was painted like concrete, so they thought it was. I wonder if they will do the same with the new on? Possibly huh?
So tomorrow, I am going back into London again to spend some time with you know who lol. She called me today and told me she had a ‘suggestion’, so I’m to go out to London tomorrow afternoon, and then we go off to buy a bike for me, so we can both bike ride down here, and get a bike rack for the car. Then we both drive back here for a few days. Not sure how many days she has off. More about that when I get time to get on, I usually don’t get a chance when she is here, because she just hates when I am online, as she says ‘wasting time’, right! So enough of that. I’ll post again as I said when I get a chance. Before I leave, I want to plug my new clique, it’s the I Love My Siblings clique, hope you can join, while you’re at it, join the USA Clique also Have a wicked weekend.
Carmen says
I can’t believe it’s been five years since it happened. There’s a special on the events this Saturday that’s supposed to be broadcasted simultaneously around the world. The pic looks great.. it’d be wonderful to see that go up.