So I get up and get ready to go down to the post office, need to change some american dollars to pounds, and it’s like 12:40 and what do I see, it’s closed? WTF? In America, the post office stays open till 2pm, so of course I thought they would stay open till then here too. I missed the damn post office by 10 minutes, OMFG I am so angry, what’s worse is, I texted Alice, and let her know what happened, and well now I know she is going to throw the biggest fit of the year, I can just hear all the crap she is going to tell me. I dread getting a phone callfrom her now. I mean I know she’s going to think I knew what time they closed, and that I did it on purpose, when I didn’t. I really thought they stayed open till 2pm, I’ve never gone on a Saturday, usually I go during the week. Crap I don’t know what to do now, I don’t have no money to do nothing, no grocery shopping, no buying some things for her. Just shoot me and get it over with. I think that would be better than being shot by the things she’s going to say to me. Fuck!
I checked my email today, got approved for the Juliet namelisting, Juliet was my cat I had back in America, some months after I left my brother emailed me to tell me she had not came home, that was unusual for my cat, but I can see why she would of done it, my brother didn’t pay much attention to her, I took care of her, so I know he didn’t like her in the house, so of course I feel so overwhelmingly guilty, I couldn’t bring her with me, but planned to have her shipped. Well she is gone, and she never came back, she was very old, she was like 16years old and that’s a lot in cat years. I miss her so much, she use to tap me with her paw to let her under the covers with me. I miss her soo very much. So I thought in her honor I would create the Juliet Namelisting, I have a Pet Portal, with some images of her, that will continue to stay up for as long as I live lol. And that might not be long after Alice gets a hold of me *trembles* So I need to go look for some images that will reflect her personality. I have the Priscilla namelisting, that was in honor of the first cat I ever had. Juliet was my mothers cat, I think that’s why I feel guility even more. I wanted to take care of her until she passed away, I am so saddened by it, my heart aches, if you own a pet then you know what I mean. Well I am off to look for some images.
Ah, the damn post office! Of course it’ll close only a few minutes before you get there – it pretty much always works like that.
As for your cat, that’s sad. You seem to be dealing with it okay, and she did have a lot of years in her. *hug*
Anyway, thanks for stopping by & commenting!