I finished the Halloween Resurrection fanlisting, yes its an old movie but I really liked them, so I went ahead and applied, was approved and last night I finished it, if you’re a fan of it go and join will you? So aside from that, I seem to be playing around with themes that I find, I think I get bored quick or something lol, with the one I have. The font this one uses I really like a lot, so I try to find them with that font, although I know I can edit the css and use the font I like, but I’m partial to pink also, and this was pretty.
It’s been getting chilly lately, fall sure is here. I’m excited and nervous going camping in October, I don’t know why, I just want things to go right. I need to seriously put some stuff into loot and get it sold, loot is one of them online places you can advertise your stuff for free and sell it, yeah I’m not sure if it goes into America or not, but it’s a pretty large site. This table that my partner had spontaneously bought, just doesn’t go with the livingroom furniture, so I need to sell it. It’s a nice table but just don’t go here.
I was going over and old post and noticed that Chau had posted nothing about my blog, but about the fact that she has a clique for siblings, that she hadn’t updated since Nov of 2005, so you can say its pretty much dead, but see I didn’t know this, and she had posted a comment about it, I went to see the site and thought wow I didn’t know she had it, it wasn’t listed at any web directories, and mine is, and I always try to update regularly but she hadn’t updated for almost a year, and still when I went to go and peek just now, there is no update, so my dilema is this, should I close mine down, or keep it open, since her’s hasn’t been updated for a year? Or should I email her, and see what kind of solution we can make? I don’t like taking away from anyone, and well I can always donate my layout and codes to her, but she can do the same. So what do you think I should do? She’s a great girl, and I get along with her, but I truly do love my siblings and thats why I made it, first of course I went to several directories, and no clique had been made. Suggestions anyone?
I have another 3 fanlistings I need to work on, so I am trying to finish one each day. Tomorrow afternoon I am heading to London again for a few days and won’t be back, but maybe able to use net from there. So I best get busy working on this stuff. But seriously people give me some kind of suggestion? Thanks in advance.
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