It was my moms birthday yesterday, even though she is no longer with us, I still celebrate her birthday if only with lighting a few candles. I can’t believe it’s been five years since she passed away, seems like yesterday. I do miss her everyday. I still remember the funeral services we arranged, you can click here to learn about a funeral home. It was a beautiful day, and so many people came. She would have been so glad. I don’t think there is a day that I don’t think of her. I am in regular contact with a flower delivery company that delivers a flower arrangement to her place of rest on her anniversary, the florist at the store makes the best agreements. I visit as much as I can, and I try to make time to visit on that special day. Even if I one day cannot make it, she will know I was thinking of her. When I do go I realize I’m not the only one that remembers her throughout the years, as others send funeral arrangements just as I do. It makes me happy to know that she touched so many people. Last night thinking of this I cried some, but I am glad that Alice was with me to hold me while I cried, she is a precious gift, she means more to me than anyone apart from my mom. RIP mom, I love you.
We went shopping yesterday I picked up a pair of hiking boots, camy poncho and some gaiters, I think thats the name lol. We’re going camping on Oct, the weather won’t be all sunny and hot but we still plan on having a good time, its the last one of the season, and we wanted to get in at least one camping weekend. So that will be loads of fun.
I finished 2 fanlistings these past few days, the Cycling and Stargazing fanlistings, you a fan of either one? Please go and join. I have one more fanlisting to do, which I’ll do when I get back home, as I am in London with my love for a few days.
I discovered this great musician that I just love to listen to, she was part of a band called Metric, but has gone solo, she is Emily Haines, and I think her music is so awesome, makes me.. I don’t know feel so chill, if you can understand what I mean. Someone you should check out
My niece went to homecoming this past week, just seen a pic of hers, soooo sweet looking, I asked her to send me some pics, so I can post, need to add a subpage here for that, so hope to do that soon. Gosh she’s all grown up *sniff sniff*, shes so beautiful though. I love them all. Right well thats about all for now.
Aww Emily,Thank you so much for your prayers,She does mean the world to me.As for your mom,Even though she isn’t with you anymore,she’s watching over you,and happy birthday to your mom.Also have fun camping!Sounds like you will have a blast! *hugs* I guess we both cried last night,technically the night before.I just haven’t slept.I’m glad you understand me though,thanks Emily.
Hey girl, thanks for the pick-me-up. It really did help. =)
I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I think it’s nice that you still celebrate – it shows that you still love, appreciate, and miss her. I do the same thing with my grandma (we were close), even though she’s only been gone a little under a year. *HUG*
Camping! Now, that’s fun. Hopefully it isn’t too cold when you go (though October doesn’t look too promising, eh?). I hate freezing my bum off on a cold, hard ground. I’d rather it just be hard.
Anyway, thank again, and enjoy the rest of your week (and weekend!).
We used to be affiliates back in the days when you had – I had or was it Loopistic net? – either way I am happy to have found you r blog again Emily.
I hope you are going to have loads of fun hiking Camping sounds cozy!