It’s pouring outside, but I have the window open, because I love to hear the rain. It’s raining hard too lol. I do hope it’s not raining this hard when we go camping but if it is, we’ll still go out and explore, I got this big camoflaouge poncho, so at least I will stay dry. Plus lots of cuddling up will be nice too
I haven’t had lunch yet, and well now it looks like it’s going to be a late lunch, hmm tuna sounds nice. If I keep talking about food, I’ll turn out leaving this post midway to head for the kitchen.
I head back home tomorrow, I’m missing her already, her being my sweet and adorable partner, she’ll be going out of town for a few days on business, but I’ll see her right after she gets back, we will be getting our stuff together to go camping! I haven’t gone camping in years, so this is going to be nice, probably wet but nice lol. After she left for work, about 30 mins before going in, she had managed to find a parking space, and she was sitting in the car waiting for the rain to ease up a little before going on in, so she called just to say I love you, that is just really sweet, things like that make me miss her even before I leave.
Hey! Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning comes out today!! Is anyone going to go see it?? I want to, I am a big fan of horror movies. We were reading some stuff on the internet about the real story behind that movie, well the movie is not real, but it was very similar to something that happened in the 50’s, this guy was just really sick, so so sick, I think maybe even sicker then the movie, seriously, hmm whats his name? Thomas Gein, I think it is, wait no it’s Ed Gein, this guy is just really sick, here is a link to his story, and if you do turn out reading it, let me know if you agree with me. This link is what wiki said, this 2nd link here shows real images of stuff he did, so be cautioned. Anyway, I still want to see the movie. I applied for the fanlisting, so maybe if I’m lucky I will be able to run it, but who knows.
Nan says
It is indeed cozy listening to the rain against the windows. I hope you will have a dry camping expirience though – wet socks stinks
Ilse says
Heyy Emily!!
Blegh, how can you ever love the rain? it’s also raining here continuously…and I do not like it, haha. But I really hope that it stays dry when you go camping! and have fun ofcourse
Good luck on getting the FL!
xoxo, ilse
Linda says
I actually did just bedore you said that =)
I wanna see that movie!
Do you like camping? :\ I can’t stand it Good luck with the fanlisting
Jen says
I want to see that movie BADLY. Like you, I lovelovelove horror movies, but I work all weekend, so maybe in a week or two I’ll see it. Plus, I don’t like seeing movies on opening night/weekend, as they tend to be too crowded. Ed Gein was really disturbed, huh? I’ve seen a few documenteries about him, interesting and all, but really sick. It seems so hypocritical to be a fan of the movies, lmao. Good luck with the fanlisting; I’m actually thinking about applying for another one myself too, won’t say for what yet, probably jinx myself.