I really hope that I don’t have this cold when we go camping, it will make it horrible. It just came on last night. I got a week to recover so hopefully it don’t get worse. I’ve been sneezing, and a lil coughing, woke up with a sore throat, my lovely partner, made me some breakfast, and lots of OJ, which I hope helps. Funny thing is prior to feeling this way, my body was all achy, I guess that was the first sign eh?
She gets off work at about 9:30, shes picking up some take out, and we’re going to watch a movie. Oh my gosh you know whats worse about having a cold? Is that it hits just when it’s my cycle (monthly monster), talk about feeling miserable lol. So I hope that is over with too, when we go camping, then things will be a lot easier.
So last week I was going through emails, and I was looking through some submissions that people put for staff at List-Me my web directory site, and this girl Nan, well funny enough, back in the day when I was on one of my old sites, we use to talk, and some how we lost touch, well she stumbled on my site, I’m no sure if she knew it was my site or not, but funny how things work out huh? I often wondered what came of her, back then she didn’t have a baby, and was not married yet, but she did have a boyfriend, so I think that must be who she married, and now she has a gorgeous little girl Freja, what a unique name. I just want to say, I’m happy that we ran into each other again. Even though I missed out on her getting marrried, and having a baby, at least we can keep in touch now.
I got approved to start the John Keats fanlisting, he is a very famous English poet, one of my partners favorites, glad to be able to run that. Can’t start till I get back home, I also got approved for the Emily Haines fanlisting, that will be fun. No word on TCM the beginning, I probably won’t get it, oh well. Anyway I’m not feeling too good, so I’m going to go for now.
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