Hey everyone, I am feeling so much better today, still got the achiness in the body, and a lil stuffed up but otherwise on the road to recovery. I finished 2 fanlistings yesterday, and since my last post I’ve finished the John Keat, yesterday I finished the P.D. James and Krusty the Clown fanlisting, so if you are a fan, please go join, to view all my listings, visit my collective at kiss-me.org. Al’s boots came today, she’s excited, she think they may not fit, but I’m sure they will.
Ok well I hate this, when I upload an image to photobucket and then I delete it to upload another smaller version, and then I add it to my post and it shows it the same big size, but I know it won’t come out on the post like that, but its annoying lol.
I spoke with Al today and we were discussing living arrangements, and relocation, we had thought about moving to America, but then we talked on and well discussed some things, I won’t bother posting, but well it looks like we will be staying here in the UK, oh well, there is a lot here still I’d like to see.
Omg I am watching this TV show called Grime Scene Investigation, showing how if you have a dog and it comes inside from outside after pooing that the dog does carry poo still with them and leaves it all over the house, sheesh, I don’t think I want a dog now, I’m guessing the same thing applies to cats huh? I still think cats are cleaner anyway. I want a cat so much, I miss my Juliet *sniff* I’m going to ask Al if we can go and get one, we’d like to adopt one from a shelter, thats what I wanted to look up on the net, think I’ll go and do that.
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