I am so much more calmed now then when I first heard about this. I talked to Al today, while she is out of town, we miss each other but that is not surprise to anyone, but what she told me is what pissed me off. She didn’t do nothing wrong, but her flatmate did. Al told me that, after she dropped me off at the train station, and returned home later that evening, she said that her flatmate, Isobel is her name. Well she left Al a note, three of them!! 1, in the bathroom above the sink, 2nd one on the shower I believe and 3rd in kitchen, saying that she is very pissed off at the fact that her little poof that you use to shower with is next to hers? I’m like wtf, Al asked me if I moved it, I said no, that last time I was in that bathroom it was already next to it, besides 4 girls share the flat so their things are bound to be next to each others, plus her nasty boyfriend is there all the time too, the thing is this bitch has the balls to say in the note that, “she is not the only one living there” meaning Al, and the fact I’ve stayed there a few nights. For one her boyfriend stays there a lot fucken more than I do, excuse my language but this girl pissed me off. She goes about the flat acting like she owns it, and I told Al not to worry because she has as much right to be there and use things as much as she does. I stay there on occasion and this female had the balls to make that kind of a statement. Whats more is she moved Als poof and threw it into the sink. See now that right there was disrespectful, you talk to a person about things, not throw their things about the place like some spoiled little bitch. She is a kept woman, this guy pays for her room NOT flat there, while he is living in some other place and they are supposably in love, well her life is not the issue here, what is, is disrespect toward my girlfriend, which I don’t take lightly. I told Al that when I go there, she better not say a damn word, and come to think of it, if Al has not said anything to her then I will. Only reason Al rents a room is because her job in the city almost two hours away from where our flat is, and she works shift work so her hours are different, but thats all not the issue either.
Well after Al told me this I was so fuming I wanted to just march down there and give this female a piece of my mind. How dare she throw Al’s poof in the sick like its garbage. Her fucken boyfriend should move her ass in with him if she has such a problem. Man I am so pissed off. Wait till I show up there. I hope Al says something cause I have a feeling I will. Al didn’t move it or touch it, possibly the ladies boyfriend moved it, or one of the other girls, they are hooks on the wall people can put their towel or poof on, she acts like she owns the whole fucken thing. I’m really pissed, especially when it comes to someone disrespecting my girlfriend.
Sorry for the rant but I’m still mad, so I better stop here, or I’ll just go on and on. We already decided to move Al out of there, I hope Als request for time of comes through, and she get reassigned closer to home. Oh yeah I for some reason thought we were going camping this weekend, it’s not until next weekend. I’m still excited.
I am happy that you decided to move her out of there – sounds like her flatmate didn’t want anything but trouble