Yeah, thats it, almost on friday, 4 more days and we go camping. I’m getting more excited, but also worried about how cold it may be. I don’t want us to catch a cold, I finally got over mine. Al picked up her hiking boots from the place she use to live at before, I want to see what they look like never have. Anyway still got to find some wellies, even though I don’t know why when we got these other things that you put over your shoe and zip up to keep the water out from going into the shoe, but maybe it’s because she don’t want the actual shoes to get wet. So we’ll go and look around for that. We’re also going to go to a town a about 40 mins away to look at bicycles, I told her that taking our bikes is not a good idea, we won’t get a chance to ride them. I never put up a tent before, so we are going to be busy with that. I got a list of about 6 bicycle stores in that vicinity that sells them, she wants me to call and see if they carry any like what I’m looking for, to narrow down the places we need to visit, which I need to do tomorrow.
As for the flatmate from hell, lol. Last I heard, Al, and Yasmine another flatmate, gathered in the kitchen to talk to this chick, and they told her whats up, well from what Al said, the chick got mad and stormed out and into her room lol. Later Al seen her and said, ‘we are not done talking with you’ and well I don’t know if they talked to her more or not. But just as Al was going to go to sleep, the chick, started up the vacuum, and was vacuuming the hall, I told Al, ignore her she knows you are going to bed and probably just wants to piss you off, so I’m guessing she ignored her and went to bed. We need to look for a place for her real soon, she can deal with her with no problem, but I’m glad both of them confronted her. I’ll know more probably tomorrow or something.
Thanks: Nan
Nan says
Of some reason I always end up having the flatmate with issues too. No matter if it was on boarding school or on a field trip – I always ended up in the same room as the most annoying girl. I am not one not to give another a chance – but gah! I know how AI must feel. It’s nice to see that you are helping out though.
Camping sounds so exciting! Have you never put up a tent? Amazing!! It’s tough actually.. *whistles – but I have no problem with it – of course*
Irina says
It all sounds like fun, i wish i could do things like that but i’m such a coward…
grar.. =(
Have fun =D!!
Kasee says
Oh hun,Putting up a tent is easy!I promises.Just stick the poles through the hole,yeah that sounds gross but seriously thats all you have to do haha!Anyways I have a new site if you’d like to see.