Yeah, she is on her way down here. But she is not coming alone, she is bringing her best friend of 15 years that also happens to be an ex girlfriend of hers. When me and Adriana first met, she wasn’t all that nice to me, but my Al said it was because she didn’t know me, but to be honest, that is no excuse what so ever. Anyway, Al knows I’m not too happy about that, but because Adriana is very dear to my Al, I am willing to put that behind us, and try to get to know her, and hope that she gets to know me. So Adriana will be down here with us for a few days not too long, then after all the time will be with my baby. Oh how I miss her, we had a few bad things happen since the last time we talked, but I plan this and here on in to be different.
We have talked about moving to the US again, she really dislikes the way people are here in England, so mean, and rude, I don’t have as much interaction with people her as she does, but I believe her when she tells me things, she has been here for a very long time so she would know. So she feels people in the US are much nicer, I do have to say that people to me do seem friendlier in the US, that’s my opinion though. Anyway so a move to US is a possibility maybe in about 5 years. I know she would love it in California. So many places to see and things to experience, and we won’t limit ourselves to just California, we’d like to travel all around the US, that would be so much fun. We’ll see thought, it’s all premature anyway. Well I’m expecting company so I need to get off this, and do somethings around here.
In about 5 years? … talk about planning long term. People in America are definitely friendlier though… appearance for example is nowhere near as important in America as in other countries. We have a tendency to be a lot more open minded about certain things like that, and people are just… I don’t know, bubblier here? I get that vibe sometimes. But I’ve only been to Asia, never to Europe, so that’s a bit of a biased opinion…
That’s a bit of a heart thread tugger right there… bringing her ex girlfriend home. But I do hope things go well for you. =) It’s a toughy – but think about it, once you get through it life will be good again, right? Hopefully. =) Take care!
Whatever you do,Don’t come to Louisiana.There’s absoloutly NOTHING to do,haha.I hope all goes well when she comes!Well I put pictures of my puppy up,since you mention wanting to see them in the comment you left.I hope all goes well for you Emily take care darlin’.
Ah bummer you don’t have a danish translation! Since you are in England you and AI should take a trip to Denmark and visit me – it isn’t that far
I am happy to see you guys have made up – less happy to see that she is bringing her ex home with her instead of taking a cozy healing period. Oh bummer.