Aww she just left back to London, I can't believe how quickly time passes by. Although she left in a very good mood, and I am in a very good mood, we got excellent news, that will give us the opportunity to visit California, not for long but long enough, I've wanted her to meet my family, especially my sister and her partner, so that's really great, won't say much more than that for now as it's all new still, and want to be doubly sure about it, even though we are already positive. I'm excited, so very excited it's going to give us an opportunity for a lot when we get back, more about that another time too. So beside that, I am sitting in our flat, just being lonely cause she's gone. She just called, and told me the winds are so high and strong, she can feel the car move as she drives, so she said she wouldn't take the motorway and Continue Reading