Ever since we moved into this place we didn’t know if the chimney would be working, and well about a week ago we found out that is it working, just needs to be swept, so the Chimney sweeper is coming today, about 3pm, Alice won’t be here as she is going back to the city at 4am so I got to wake her in about 2 hours, so I may just stay up until then. We talked well more like yelled a few times, but finally calmed down, and hugged and trying to work though things. She has some issues with her mother, and I know she is hurting over it, and she wants to be alone to deal with it, but to be 100% honest, I don’t want to leave her alone, I really think she needs someone with her, to support her spiritually and emotionally. I love this woman more than anything in the world apart from myself, and I just can’t imagine not being with her when she has to deal with shit that she is going to deal with in the near future, even though she tells me that she will be hating the world, but you know what i strongly believe in? That after all the dust has settled, what is going to stand out in her mind the most out of that terrible ordeal? It’s going to be the fact that I was there regardless of the hating she is going to go through, even hating towards me, but you know I love her that much, that I can’t bare to see her go through things alone, I just can’t, I refuse! That was a mouthful, but I’ll leave it at that.
Since we had a bit of arguing we didn’t get a chance to go out and get a Christmas tree, but I’m going to look into it and see if I can get one while she is away, even though I don’t have a car with me, she has it. I don’t think they’ll let me on the bus with one though, you think? Perhaps the train? I hope I can find one locally. Need to see about that day after tomorrow, going to stay in all day to wait for chimney guy, because there is always a chance he can come early and I don’t want to miss him. I needed to go to the post office and do a few other errands, but it can wait another day. Besides staying up I’ll be massively tired. I’m going to go watch a movie, that I’ve wanted to watch, anyone see “The Lake House”? I hear its nice, so I’ll go see that.
Hi Emily, yay a chimney I love fireplaces they are so nice, and keep you all warm and stuff. The comments do seem to work in the comment itself but not above the comment box, ahh well
I’m so glad that you and Alice worked things out, last thing anyone wants is to have any kind of bad energy around during these days, try to keep it happy, for both of you, her too not only you. Well take care and thanks for commenting on my blog
hello host!
i hope you know the emoticons on here arent working
are those pics of you in the webcam archive?