It's been only 2 days and I feel like she's been gone a week, how weird that is. I guess I just get use to having her around, so when she is gone seems like forever. I haven't talked to her since she left, she is accompanied by her mother, so I can just imagine how it must be, you don't know their history I do, but I am not going to go into that. I don't think she's had any time alone, except for when she goes to bed. When she has time I suppose she will call. I want to call her, hmm I think I will, just to say hi, and tell her I am thinking of her. Then again maybe I will wait a bit more, I don't want to catch her at a bad time. I hope she don't get all pissed off cause I didn't call, sometimes with Alice I don't know what to do, kind of like walking on eggshells, if you do it, you might get her upset but if you don't you might also type Continue Reading
Archives for January 2007
Getting A Kitty!?
I'm happy now, she finally agreed to letting me get a kitty *smiles*, ever since I lost Juliet I have been lonely, not lonely for human companionship because I have Alice. No it's loneliness from missing Julie. If you are a pet lover like I am, then you understand what I mean, speaking of so, I haven't had many visitors to my pet portal, you can find that at Pet Love, please join if you have a puppy, bird, cat, lizard, guinea pig, goat(heh), horse, fish, mouse, rat, bat, any type of animal, I would love to have you add your loving pet to my portal. I've seen this nifty thing on some websites, and Millie's website has it also, I was convince once I seen it there. It's called and it previews a screenshot of the site you are thinking of going to, it's so cool because based on that you can decide if you want to visit or not. Here Continue Reading
Blah Day
Have you ever just felt like blah, like things just seemed off? It did for me today, even though today is really tomorrow lol, if you know what I mean. All day on Thursday I felt as if the day was just weird, uncomfortable, even kind of sad or depressing, I really don't think it's the weather, I think I have a day every so often that I just feel weird. I was telling Alice that today, she said she knew what I mean, she felt it today too. Then again she feels like that a lot lol, if something is not right, it'll depress her. Could it be the cold weather, the high winds? I don't know maybe, but weather usually don't get me down. It's just one of those things. Today I spent all of the day trying to fix something that got messed up, I can't believe that I spent almost 2 days on this, networking stuff. The network connection got all messed Continue Reading