I am so tired of spam, we get it everywhere, on wordpress, thank goodnesss for the plugins some great people make to avoid some of it actually getting to the comments that get posted, I get spam in my email, in my cam portal, omg my portal at http://pixelfx.org gets hit daily, recently been getting about 20 a day, it’s so annoying. I’m thinking of changing the url or something, actually what I did think of adding is one of those capcha type things, I’m not even sure if I spelt that correct or not, and I’m not too concerned about the spelling at the moment. So that’s something I decided to complain about today.
My cold has finally gotten better, for the exception of the aftermath, still some coughing, and not to mention that yucky stuff phlegm, that is annoying I tell you. But I am glad I am feeling better. Alice is coughing as well, and sometimes gets on a roll with her sneezing, it’s kinda funny. I’ve heard her sneeze like 5 times in a row, thats a record. I’ve only sneezed like 4 times.
I’m still considering moving back to California alone though. Things get tense between Alice and myself. I dislike things she says, things she calls me, her attitude in whole, and the fact she tends to accuse me of things. She states I don’t do nothing, which is bullshit because I’m always cleaning. I guess it’s not enough for her. At times I feel I’m living at home. She tells me when I can get on the internet, when I can watch TV or a movie, hell even when to go to sleep. I really don’t like that at all, makes me feel like a kid and I’m not a kid! You can see why I’m considering leaving.
We’ve been looking at houses too. She wants to now unofficially lol move to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, anyone live there? Can you give me your input on how it is there? Do you like it? Hate it? Anyway I say unofficial because she tends to change her mind often. I seen a few houses in Missouri that I just loved, but I doubt we’d go there, hell I may not go anywhere but California!
I’m going to be offering advertising on 2 of my largest domains, they would be Pixelfx.org and List-Me.com so if you are looking for advertising, I’ll be putting up some good plans. I figured it was time to do some advertising, the tagboard will go though. I just renewed my domains so I am definitely going to set that up, of course it will be through paypal only, but I may change that. I better go before she comes out and gets nosey to see what I’m writing about, she don’t like when I talk about my personal life with her, for what reason I don’t know, paranoia perhaps?? Lol who knows with her. Wish me luck
Hey there Emily and thanks for letting me know about that copyright thing at pantherkut.com. All I kept from that theme was the header image and I didn’t think that copyright was necesarry in that case.
As soon as I have time I will edit the footer there.
Nice site you have