We decided to postpone the trip to Missouri for 6 months. She will be starting work in April, and wants to focus on that since it's a new place she'll be at with in the same department but new location and new staff and all that. Plus we want to catch up on some of the outstanding bills some. And the weather will be nicer by then too. But things can suddenly change as this has. She went out to London yesterday to look at some rooms, since she is going to be working in London she'll need a room there, but her schedule will be better 5 on 5 off, so thats good, she'll be here more than she was last time, I'm happy about that. She did ask me, what should we do if the realtor calls and says it's fine to put a deposit on the house that we were considering, I said well then in that case we will gather our stuff and go to Missouri. So it can Continue Reading