Hey can you believe it, she has really lost it or something, it was reported that Britney tried to hang herself with a bedsheet after running around Promises rehab facility screaming “I am the Antichrist†with the number 666 written on her forehead. Omg poor thing what is she going through that would lead her to try to do something like that? Read more. Gosh I feel so bad for her, she must be going through an awful lot to do something like that, but why? I mean she has a baby and all isn’t she thinking of the baby or just herself? Is she being selfish? Whatever it is. I hope she gets better and starts to appreciate what she has, and she has a lot. We all have problems but most of us try to solve them not resort to something like what she was trying to do. Anyway good luck to her.
As for my life, it’s pretty calm right now. Alice wasn’t feeling so hot today, it’s that time of the month for her. So she just kinda layed around, in her jammies and rob, and read a lot. I cuddled her to make her feel better and reassured. She told me tonight she’s going to miss me when she goes back to work, as I will too. I told her imagine when I’m gone to Missouri, she just kinda made a sad face, but it’s a reality. She said, “I just hope I can go” I said “you will, even if I have to come here and drag you back. Plus once you commit to that you can’t go back” which is true, if we buy property in Missouri, then yeah she has to do it. I know things will go fine, it’s just a matter of doing them, and getting past all the red tape as they say.
I was working on a site for Alice today, there is another site I need to work on for her as also. Well they are for both of us anyway. One is a resource and directory of sort, more on that later, and the other is going to be a type of site like hmm can’t think of any oh like gumtree.com well thats bigger, but the one I’m going to do will be like you can post stuff you want to buy and the person will be able to email you from the sie and then the rest is between the two involved, the site (me and alice) will not be involved in it any further and we’ll have a disclaimer saying so. Lol. What you think? She’s had a domain name for a bit so we said why not try using it, so I said I’d do it. I’m going to go back to whatI was doing, thats working on List-Me and Pixelfx.org and her sites too of course. Have a great week ahead.
Jessica says
I hope she gets through this…because…i dunno…i just really hope she gets through this…i wondering what caused her to start acting this way…
Faline says
I can’t get my head around how Britney has spiralled downwards so badly. I feel sorry for her too, I actually wish she never got into the whole music industry.. I can’t help thinking what her life would have been if she wasn’t famous and rich. I wonder if she hasn’t lost her mind though.. she’s probably messed herself up with drugs and alcohol from the wild life she’s been living lately.
Anyway, Gumtree looks cute. I think it’s a good idea, a useful kind of directory. If you could work it so that it’s self-supporting I think it could be a nice project.
fia says
she has totally lost it.. i used to really like her.. even until now, but well.. i dunno.. lol.. at first view of the pix, i thought it was a guy!
Stephanie says
I feel sorry for her kids. I didn’t hear about this on the news, but I have been very sick lately and spent most of my time in bed. I hope that she can work it all out and figure out that having another baby will not make her marriage work. They have 2 boys now and those boys deserve good parents not ones so obsessed with partying and such. She keeps up the antics she may loose her sons along with any future ones.
I am glad things are going good for you and Alice. What kind of blogger do you use?