I am so mad at myself for not waiting until tomorrow to erase a CD, I decided to do it tonight, and in the process accidentally erased my music and my pictures. The 2 folders that were named by windows I don't understand why they didn't over write the existing empty ones *grrr* I am more mad because there were recent pictures of Alice and myself I feel like crying now. I didn't care much about my stupid music. This space bar is getting on my nerves it's sticking a bit on the left side. I finally got around to doing a recovery on this laptop, it was having errors and programs weren't working. Anyway now I'm upset about the pictures. Lol I even reinserted it hoping the stuff would be there. *sigh* Yesterday Alice went to visit her sister. I didn't want to go for reasons I won't state, but none the less she went. Nothing to do with not Continue Reading