I didn't have one, but Al did, I just got off the phone with her and she said that they told her she has some hearing loss in both ears! I think I might have some too, you know how sometimes you are on the phone and you switch from right to left at times, and realize that you can hear better with one than the other, does that mean you got some hearing loss? Maybe huh! It's not too bad, they said she can get hearing aid for about £2000 yikes!! Check out https://www.tinnitusaz.com/blog/how-hearing-loss-affects-mental-well-being if you experience any problems with hearing. But she also said that her job would have to pay for it all haha so thats cool to know. Oh this picture I took one day when Al and myself went for a nice little walk around where we live, we live near the sear front and thought this is such a nice view, that is the Continue Reading
Archives for April 2007
What a view!
I took this sometime ago, and I've wanted to post it because I thought the colors in the sky looked so beautiful, this was when it was going into evening. I just thought wow, need to capture that and I did! Also the fact the posts look nice when I add some kind of interesting picture, not avatars or anything I'm not really into that. I changed my cam picture finally lol, it's of the beer Guinness, you ever tasted that if you drink beer now and then, well it's a nice beer its Irish, I enjoy one now and then. I added a new affiliate today, you can find her link on the side Trixie very sweet girl has tons of content on her site so go and visit her, along with all my wonderful affiliates. Did you notice I added a me section on the side bar? Yep sure did! I think I needed it, it makes it friendlier I feel. I'm terrible with coming up with a Continue Reading
Oh the weather
So spring has been around since what March? Are you feeling it? I am sort of, I mean the weather has been beautiful and well just last week I think it was. I was just sitting around writing something on my laptop when I hear this buzzing sound, so I pause whatever I had if it was noise or muted the TV or something I don't recall, but then I sat and listened to see what it was. Well there it goes again, so I got curious to see what it is, well it was a bumble bee, I was like oh wow, it must of got in from the bedroom window, so I did what I needed to do to let it out of the house. Fine then a few days later, what do I hear again! Yes! A buzzing sound just like the first time, so again I go and see where it's at, I found it, and again opened a window so it can find its way out, the thing this time was no window was open. So how did it get Continue Reading