Well yeah she is finally back. She's called about 5 times today, I know she misses me and I miss her just as much if not more. But I am glad to know that the place she is renting is what she was looking for, lots of extras so I'm glad about that. Which now gives me more time to myself and able to work on things online, paid and unpaid lol. When she was here, she'd keep me away from the computer as much as she could. I couldn't believe how much she disliked me online, ahh well different strokes for different folks I suppose. Today is our 2 year anniversary, she was kinda sad and I was too that we couldn't be together today, so a few minutes after midnight I called her to say Happy Anniversary. Wow I can't believe it's been 2 years and we are still together. What do people say that after a certain amount of time if you are not together Continue Reading