It sure is. With Alice gone to work in London and having to live there, I’m alone more now. Cooking for one, watching TV or a movie alone, reading alone. No one to really talk to. I miss her so much. Gosh am I going to blab about that all the time, yeah probably it’s my God given right lol. Anyway, not much going on. Been having problems with the internet. Keeps dropping the signal now and then, its annoying. Just the other day Kryz told me that her net was doing that, I hope she didn’t jinx me lol. Naww I’m kidding girly. I think it’s a router thing or something, I talked to the tech guy and he said I should try resetting the router but I can’t because for some reason the software won’t work on my computer, although I didn’t try it now that I formatted, but just incase I’m not going there lol. I had initially installed it on Alice’s laptop which she has with her. And I don’t want to chance the whole thing not working and really being left without any internet that would not be good. At first I thought it was a sign or something to stay away from the window because when I sat near the window, it would go out, it did that last night and most of today, so I moved closer to the router, and I was going to just connect my laptop to the modem itself, but I can’t find it lol. Grr just now it dropped, I’m sure I’ll get it back when I’m ready to finally post this. Heck I might have to move back to the table where the router is at. Arggg this is so annoying, this hadn’t happened before, why now? It’s annoying I tell you.
I keep hearing loud noises outside, like really super loud fireworks, I don’t recall anyone having a celebration of any kind today. Easter is not until this weekend. So I don’t know what all the noise is, I’m going to peek outside see if I see anything in the sky. Well I didn’t see nothing, I can only hear it. Sometimes I get scared lol. I think ever since the bombing thing happened out here in England I’ve been weary of those types of things. I shouldn’t get too paranoid, I’m sure it’s only fireworks.
Well now that I got sometime to myself, I’m hoping to be able to work on a lot of things. Alice wants me to open an ebay shop, you know buy quantities of stuff and sell on ebay. We probably can make money like that, it’s just the import thing. Yes we’d get stuff imported from America, since the dollar ratio is quite good. We’ll see. I’m trying to sell her stuff still. I need to update my shop page. I hate that WordPress messes up what I write. Maybe I’ll just make a page to link off of it, so I can have it like I want it. I need to take pictures of the camera she wants to sell, then I’ll have all the pictures ready to post on ebay, but hopefully the internet will start behaving better than it has. Does anyone that lives in England use talktalk broadband? And are you having similar problems? I’m just curious.
Alice is going to her cousins wedding, I never met him. But she got a invitation for only one person, so she feels it would be wrong to take me. Does that sound right? I mean I haven’t met him yet. I guess I wanted to be taken regardless, they are eventually going to meet me anyway. I felt weird is all but I guess I shouldn’t look into it more than I am. I hope she has a good time, she plans on video taping the wedding so it’ll be nice to see that. Still wish I was going =\ lol.
I don’t like being alone, I jump at every little sound. If I was hearing those noises like you I’d have every light in my house on lol.
That’s kinda weird about the wedding invite, it’d make me feel left out. Maybe she can call him and ask if you can go with her.
My router was doing the same thing, its through bellsouth though, but I called them and they sent me a new one and I haven’t had any problems out of it since. I don’t know if resetting yours would screw it up or not, I’d be nervous about it.