ItΓΒ seems like there isn't enough time in a day to do all the things one wants to do. It's Friday, and what are my plans? Probably the same as Monday, Tuesday and every day of the week. Now that Alice is gone I don't have anyone to do anything with =\ Well so I try to dedicate myself to doing something online. I need to post some stuff on ebay that Alice wants to get rid of. Oh Trixie left me a comment saying she exchanged her router. But my problem is not the router to be honest maybe it is I don't know. Funny thing is when I am sitting farther away from it, it loses connection, but if I sit close to it, as I've been doing today it works fine, soo weird. I was chatting away to Kryz today also, and we were talking about movies, she told me about this movie called Dead Silence? I never heard of it, nor have I seen the trailer, so I got to Continue Reading