At least for a day and a half but thats better than nothing. She is going to the wedding, so I am going to get a chance to have a whole day with her 2nights and 1 day, yay! Haven't seen her in like 2 weeks, I think, well since the 28th of March I think gosh I don't remember, seems longer though. I'm just glad she's coming. While she was out jogging one day, she accidentally dropped her mobile phone and lost it *grr*, so I can't get a hold of her when I'd like, like right now!!! I know when we talked she said she'd be coming on Thursday, possibly late in the evening, but I was hoping I'd at least get one call even if it's on Skype. So I have Skype and Yahoo open hoping to hear from her. I miss her *cries* I know that she had like 2 interviews to view 2 rooms, the arrangement where she is now is not working out, this lady seems to be a sort Continue Reading