So spring has been around since what March? Are you feeling it? I am sort of, I mean the weather has been beautiful and well just last week I think it was. I was just sitting around writing something on my laptop when I hear this buzzing sound, so I pause whatever I had if it was noise or muted the TV or something I don’t recall, but then I sat and listened to see what it was. Well there it goes again, so I got curious to see what it is, well it was a bumble bee, I was like oh wow, it must of got in from the bedroom window, so I did what I needed to do to let it out of the house. Fine then a few days later, what do I hear again! Yes! A buzzing sound just like the first time, so again I go and see where it’s at, I found it, and again opened a window so it can find its way out, the thing this time was no window was open. So how did it get in? Do we have a bee’s nest around here or what? Lol, I don’t know and I don’t want to know, well yeah actually I do because I don’t want to get stung, I got stung by a bee once when I was a little girl, I was hanging out a window just minding my own business when suddenly bam! I get stung, I cried of course it hurts lol.
So I finally decided to scout around and find me an appropriate theme and here it is, so springy looking eh? Yeah well I’m too lazy to make my own so there you go. I got a lot on my plate, not to mention personal problems so I’m not in the best of moods but had to do something to get me out of this sadness I’m feeling. So this is it lol. Eventually when I actually have the time I’m going to make my own. I have so much other things I need to do, and I really need to stop with the fanlistings thing, it’s getting out of control lol. I need to let some go instead, but when it comes down to it, I don’t do it, I guess I’m attached, or is it an addition? Heck I don’t know.
I watched this really nice movie tonight, it’s called Flicka it was a very nice movie, if your into country type movies, and horses than thats what you’d want to watch. I guess I needed a change of pace from horror, speaking of horror lol, I watched The Abandoned last night, that was good, kinda sad but yet still good. Well I’ll be up late tonight, Al called me and asked me to send her a fax at 2am at her work so yeah I guess I’ll go watch a movie or something or busy myself with my last 2 fanlisting layouts I need to make. I lose inspiration *sigh* anyway thank for the comment, oh yeah, for my last commenter there is nothing with dieting even if you are fit, its just maintaining your health *smiles*
I really like this layout… like a lot. I love unique things like this.. my layouts always have celebs and models in it and I think my next one needs to be something different.. but I already have the perfect model for my next design.. Oii haha.
I hope your ‘personal problems’ sort themselves out.
And I love FLICKA.. its such a nice movie, I actually wrote about it once in my blog too.
Just yesterday I visit your site but now..I cahnge layout again. Summer layout…Green and fresh. Here London very warm than few year b4 on April. Summer coming soon. Love summer. Take care..and love your site my dear