I’m excited Al is coming home for 2 days. I know it’s a treat, because we don’t see each other that often. We talked earlier in the week and had decided on her commuting from here, but now she had been thinking about it and decided that she needs to see how things are at work and the new schedule and all before deciding to commute from here, the train schedules and all. So I can understand her point here. Although she is moving out from the place she is renting the room from in London hopefully to a much nicer group of people. I told her, ask lots of questions! So I hope the best for her there. It really does suck that she can’t be at home all the time, but those are the sacrifices for the time being. I miss her very much and she does too, I talk to her everyday and I can hear how lonely she gets. So I asked her what would she like for dinner when she comes down, so I suggest meatloaf, I know it don’t sound that exciting but believe it or not, she never had it until I made it for her, and she loved it. I should of picked a more vegetarian meal since she is trying to cut meat out all together, but I wanted her to have something nice when she came home that I know she would love to have. Besides that she is bringing 2 movies, probably not my choices, oh wait one of them is POTC(not sure which one) lol, so that’ll be fun to watch. And the next day we are going to take a nice walk by the sea front and maybe have some lunch out. It’ll be nice. *keeps fingers crossed* that the weather is better, last 2 days it’s been raining and cloudy. *summons the sun and warm weather*
Her best friend isn’t much of a best friend. About 2 days or that is nights ago, on Al’s first day off, she went over to her best friends house for dinner, Adrianna being italian always has a bottle of wine with dinner, so Alice accepted her offer of wine. Dinner was over and she had already consumed a few glasses of wine, so naturally she was in no condition to drive home. So she asks her, I need to rest for about an hour before leaving, and what does that cow do? She says, no you got to leave now blah blah blah blah. Finally Alice did leave, and thank God safely made it home. You’re probably asking, why did Ad ask her to leave in such a hurry. Well the place that Ad lives in, is also her work place and I believe the day before Ad had an arguement with her boss, so she is not only upset about that, but so concerned about Al being there late, that she rushes Al off to leave. I think that was so inconsiderate and disrespectful of Ad to do that. She could of put Al’s life in danger, good thing Al sat in the car for a while befoe going home. After that Al said she won’t go to her place or call her again for a good long time. I told Al don’t call her, let her call and apologize, well Ad did call but she never apologized, I can’t believe this woman I tell you, if anything would of happened to Al (thank God nothing did) I would of been all over that woman I tell you. I’ve seen Al get upset with her before and she always makes up and all. But I really hope she sees her for what she really is. I know she’s known her for like 15 years and all, but it’s no excuse, especially cause they’ve known each other so long, she should of been more concerned for Als safety than what the “boss” was going to think because she had a friend over for dinner.
Movie time lol. I watched a really dumb movie the other night well last night actually or was it last night I don’t recall it was so dumb I don’t even want to mention it but I will just so you know NOT to watch it Lol. I watched what I thought was called just “Cannibal” but it turned out to be called Diary of a Cannibal it was so dumb, but it’s suppose to be based on a true story, rather sick to be honest. Not worth watching at all! I may watch Happy Feet tonight, or Letters from Iwo Jima, not sure, but hopefully will be good movies. I have to say I do like war type movies. Oh yeah almost forgot what I did watch was Warriors of Terra, weird movie, not too scary. One last thing, I have a new affiliate, I’m going to add her after I am done posting this visit my new affiliate Daisy don’t forget to show my other affiliates some love as well. Well thats all for now.
Mmm meatloaf I love meatloaf, mom makes the best yum yum yum I think I’ll ask her to make some since my mouth is watering now lol. Have a good time with Alice!