Lol, I’m happy it’s friday and she’s coming yay! So the last few days it’s been raining like crazy and I’ve put off going to the grocery store cause I have to walk lol. No fun walking in the rain with groceries lol. Anyway today I knew I had to rain or shine, so I got up about 9:30am, got ready and set off, took my umbrella just incase, I looked up to the sky and asked please don’train until after I get home hehehe. Well happily no rain just windy and breezy and perfect, got to the store was there for about an hour and then off home I came again no rain!! Yay the universe heard me. So I cam home about 20 minutes ago, hot and thirsty my arms didn’t hurt all that much today usually I carry heavy stuff but it was ok today, you are asking don’t I have a car no I don’t in America I do but here I don’t Alice has one but she takes it with her to London for work. So I settled down for a bit checked my mail and cooled off, soon as I’m done here I got some house work to do and start dinner in a few hours so it’s done when she gets here. I was kind of disappointed when I went to the store because usually I’ll picke up some flowers and I seen the flower when I went in but I like to get them last, what I didn’t realize is that they moved the flowers to the outer part of the entrance meaning once your in your shit out of luck in getting flowers, it got me mad because I know she’ll be expecting flowers *sad* but I hope a nice meal and warm house will make up for it.
I didn’t turn out seeing any of the movies I mentioned, but I did manage to see The Hills Have Eyes II it was a good movie, gruesome just like I like them Lol. Not much else going on, oh yeah I did aget approvedfor the Hills Have Eyes II fanlisting so that’ll be up next week, can’t do much this weekend since Alice will be here and we’ll be hanging around together, so much fun *beaming a smile* well thats all really, won’t update again until probably the beginning of the week after Alice leaves, have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful mothers that are out there and those that are soon to be. Bye for now.
I’m glad you got to the store and back without getting rained on. It would have been hard carying groceries and an umbrella LOL. I’d probably just have said screw the umbrella
I hate when the move stuff around and you don’t realize it till your in line checking out or something and can’t go back and get whatever it is you are wanting or needing. I hope she wasn’t to dissapointed that you didn’t have flowers for her. Thats really sweet of you to cook for her so I’m sure she appreciated that and didn’t mind not having the flowers.
Your movie listings reminded me of so many that I still hadn’t watched that I had planned on seeing. About all I’ve been doing lately is watching movies lol. The Hills have eyes was too scary for me I just cant do horror anymore. If you haven’t seen Next with Nicholas Cage yet then you should, its really good.
Hi Emily!
Yay for no rain on your shopping trip! Wow o wow… See, that’s what I need to do is walk to the grocery store. It’s not even a mile away, but.. *sigh* it’s all up hill. Blah.
Hm. So The Hills Have Eyes II was good, huh? lol… gruesome! Yay! I luv that gruesome stuff, too. I’ll have to watch it. I saw the first one… kewl… Have you seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning? That was good and gruesome, too… ewww!
I do hope the visit with Alice went good… I’ll be looking for an update.. and thanx for the Happy Mother’s Day!
Take many cares!
im so glad it is raining. the past few days have been hell for me. it was so damn hot! I felt like im in an oven.
I havent seen or heard of that movie. I guess im that out-dated huh? haha. :))
I guess it’s only in America is so common that everyone have a car. Here in Denmark we usually walk when we are shopping groceries – but in our case we have the stroller to help carry the stuff afterwards too.
Lmao I just posted on your last post thinking that was the most recent haha and then when I refresh I see this. Ahh well, I haven’t seen that movie yet but it looks scary, maybe too scary for me lol. yeah the weather has been weird down here this week, raining one day, sunshine the next, it won’t make up its mind. Glad you didn’t get caught in the rain thought that sucks! Have a great weekend, Happy Mothers Day, I know you don’t have kids but I thought I’d say it anyway
Omg I just realized what I did in the last post, I kept getting a message that posting has been closed, and I kept answering the same thing to this question I kept putting pencil instead of grapes lmao no wonder hahaha, I’m such a dumb brunette hahah. Ok well have a nice weekend.