Yay the upgrade to 2.2 was successful, at first I thought one of my plug-ins wasn’t working, but it’s now built into wp, the sidebar widgets is part of wp now, so yay again. If you see any little errors here and there, try to send me a message via my contact form so I can see what is wrong, thanks in advance. Aside from that I finished a fanlisting for the actress April L. Hernandez, the girl that played Eva in the movie Freedom Writers, if your a fan please join, I also finished a fanlisting for one of my favorite E.R. characters you migh remember this wonderful doctor Susan Lewis, I will always be a fan, so join if you are a fan too. Now there is another fanlisting I finished, *thinks for a few minutes* oh yeah duh I also did the fanlisting for The Hills Have Eyes II, go and join!!! Hurry hurt lol kidding, only if you are a fan, and I can’t forget the Robert Langdon fanlisting the character from the Movie/Book The Da Vinci Code I loved the book and the movie! I’m almost done here, and finally I have done the Lotto fanlisting, I like to play do you? Then please join up! And one of the cool characters of the comics Peanuts, the quirky girl Marcie, she’s that cute little kid that always calls Peppermint Patty “Sir” lol you know that geeky chick, gotta love her! Thats kind of a lot lol. Ahh well I enjoyed doing them. I’ve recently adopted 2 and need to do them and then 1 other one that I applied for. Yeah I think I’m addicted and need to stop lol.
Last night I watched this movie called Alone with Her, it was a stalker type of movie, the lengths this wacko went to, and just on TV was the movie The Craft, I still like watching that movie. Last night I was browsing around looking for a better trailer on Hostel II, and I found this site, check it out. I think that movie is going to be even better than the first. I look forward to seeing that. That site shows like cameras in different rooms where people are being tortured, it was eerie seeing it. I seen a preview of another movie, which looks like will be similar I think to a movie called Turistas that I blogged about at one time, but this one is called Paradise Lost I’m such a horror movie freak I tell you! I do on occasion find a good comedy or drama stimulating. Oh I was just browsing IMBD and it turns out from what I’m reading that Turistas is Paradise Lost, just that they changed the name for the UK release, now why would they do that, it’s stupid why not just keep the same dang name and quit confusing people, especially me lol. Now I want to see it again lol. Anyway I got some stuff to do, so I’ll post another day.
Jessica says
I love The Craft…I mean I’ve seen it like 75 times. But the Hills have eyes….nope. can’t watch it. I could barely watch the first one. But I could watch Hostel. That’s wierd, right?
Jake says
Good job on the move.
The Craft is a great movie. I mean, it’s not Academy Award winning, but it was certainly a great movie from my era (not sure how old you are) and I can remember practicing “stiff as a board, light as a feather” on many occasions.
Trixie says
OMG, I can’t watch movies like that, I’d never get to sleep at night lol. Hmm…what did I watch over the weekend, oh 28 weeks later, that was really good and dream girls, it was ok, a little long, I kept waiting for it to end. That movie with Drew Barrymore and Jude Law, I can’t remember the name of it but it was really good. I think thats all I watched lol.
You wouldn’t happen to have a Johnny Depp fan listing would you? If not you should lol I’d definetly join it.