I just noticed I haven't posted for 5 days wow I think thats a record for me. I have been working kinda hard to finish up fanlistings, which I did, I finished my last one today the Historical Costumes fanlisting, so if you are a fan go join. I don't think I'll be doing any more for a while, I' m rather burned out on them, I did apply for a few before and if I get them I'll do them but I won't be applying for any more. There are other things I'd like to turn my attention to for a change. So have I seen anything good lately umm *thinks* oh yes I seen this movie called Gone I actually enjoyed it because there were so many movies by that name I wasn't sure which one it was, it was worth it though. Oh yeah I seen Hot Fuzz omg that is a funny movie, if you seen Shaun of the Dead there are a few actors in that movie that came out in Hot Fuzz I Continue Reading