Although I love plugins lol, they can be a pain in the tush, I have a smilies plugin that gives me choices of what type of smilies, so I thought I’d change my smiles and use some cute green ones, well other than being able to enable that, the fact that the other two options don’t stay checked off, so that visitors can use the pop up to pick smilies, it just won’t stay ticked, gets me mad just realized there is no mad smiley for these lol so that’ll have to do. I haven’t done anything about the fanlistings yet, but I think I should soon, get rid of stuff I absolutely do not want, and am not that interested in anymore. I went to bed late last night, well very late lol anyway, I wanted to sleep in so that I can get up and go to the post office, but then I got call after call in the morning and that just ruined it for me, so I said screw it, I’m going to sleep and not go until the next day, so thats where I’m at now. Tonight I plan to go to bed early in case someone tries calling again it won’t bother me so much, besides it’s been raining today so it’s kinda good I didn’t go lol. Oh I seen Number 23 few days ago, it was really good, so odd to see Jim Carrey playing a serious roll, but its a nice change for him. Anyone see it? Like it? What did you think?
I’m kind of miffed at the way this wordpress is set up when you use theme rather than more personalized, don’t get me wrong I love using the themes and I’m going to continue but I think I’m going to go for something more personal than ones you just upload and activate you know? I’ve been playing Mah Jong a lot lately I use to play it on this one website and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to find the actual game I can install and I finally found it, it’s such a fun game. Anyone play it? Once I get some fanlistings adopted out, I’ll be remaking a layout for Kiss-Me and I’ll also be wanting to revamp PixelFx it’s that time. I think when this domain comes time to expire I may change domains not sure though, this is a pretty good name I guess lol.
Oh yay I just checked my mail and I got a submission for an affiliate, so I’m going to add her after I’m done here, it’s Kari, so please go visit her, she has incredible adorable children, don’t forget about my other lovelies on my sidebar either Alice called me this morning, she was one ofthe calls lol, actually twice, and then I had to call her back but we had a short chat, she seems a bit I don’t know stressed and she says its blazing hot there lol, I just hope she is at least enjoying sometime there, where? Bulgaria! I think she said shes returning to London tomorrow evening or something like that, I’m sure she’ll be happy to be back, I miss her and just so glad my baby is okay. Hope tomorrow is warmer than today, no rain so my day out can be nice. I seriously need to do some grocery shopping Guess I’ll go watch Big Brother, see ya
Cupcake says
Wow, wish I was somewhere hot! Althought to be fair, where I am in the West Country, we seem to be the only place that isn’t totally underwater! Haha, I wish I was in London though, I miss it. Hope you have fun when she gets back. xxxx
Kari says
WordPress has never worked for me, I downloaded it and tried to use it, but I don’t get along with it! *l* so
cutenews it is.
I love smileys your green ones are cute! I am a smile addict! hehehe. I like to use them to express my emotions. I sometimes get smile overload going.
Number 23 is a movie I been dying to see! it seems like I got to wait to see everything on DVD now though, we are so dead broke at the moment.
but we do rent a lot of movies. Ray and I like the alone time together after the kids are in bed.
I need to do some major grocery shopping also. We are so out of food.. my fridge is totally bare! But like I said, we are dead broke.. thank god my mom in law bought us 10 lbs of burger yesterday.. *L* I can make hamberguer helper or soemthing for the next few days
Have a good day!