Hey wow it’s been days since I’ve posted, but thought I’d squeeze something in while we are doing some internet surfing, she is on the couch looking things up of interest, mostly looking around the eastern states to see whats up out there. And I’m looking at things that she wants information on, lol not very interesting. First few days we chatted and then we watched a few of the Hellraiser movies, she fell asleep on the 3rd one lmao, we didn’t see them all at once, one every evening if we were up for it. Last night we watched the old classic Night of The Living Dead the one from 1968 it was interesting, been years since I seen it. I actually forgot they all die We got our first,well really our 2nd offer on this place but we are not happy with it so we rejected it. We are suppose to be getting ready for her return to London, but we seem to be on slow mode. I blame it on the weather lol. The weather has really been horrible as of lately so cloudy and blah. She is expecting a cc in the mail but someone needs to be here to sign for it so I may stay rather then go with her back to London. I’ll be going later that is if I don’t go with her today, she is going to be moving rooms again on the 27th so she’ll need my help. I so hate moving lol. We’ll be packing up our stuff here also and putting most of it in storage. Not very exciting huh? Anyway I better go she’s sitting there hearing me tapping at the keys so before she gets nosey lol I’ll go. Thanks for the comments will get to those when I am either settled here after she leaves or settled in London when we arrive See ya later!
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