Yes! Finally got her all moved in. This building she lives in now has the most amazing tub ahh its luxurious so big and deep I just love it there is also an elevator but its being worked on so we couldn’t take advantage of it and had to use the stairs. OMG I am so relieved that bit is over. You ask why I said that bit, well when I get home I’ll have house cleaning to do, then when Alice come down on the 14th we will be packing up all the stuff there since she is going to be renting out that flat, and we are going to get something in London so we are closer to her work and we are together so that makes us happy. So I still have yet lots more packing to do, I tell you I am really hating life right now. Not only the packing and moving crap but just things between me and her aren’t that great. There have been moments when I want to break up you know? Yeah it’s like that kind of stuff, lots has happened between us. I’m not going to bother getting into that, not one really gives a shit anyway and I use other journals for ranting about that. I just got off the phone with her and I suddenly feel depressed so I’m not going to make this that long. It will be thrilling though to live in the heart of London I’m kinda jazzed about that too. Wish us luck that we do the move smoothly.
I should be returning to the flat tomorrow night, I’m taking a late train back since she gets off work at 8pm and she won’t be here till about 8:45pm or so, then she is going to drive me to the train station and then I’ll be on my way back. I won’t get in until probably between 11pm and midnight. Friday is the last big brother, I have missed a lot but got a chance to watch last Fridays show where they voted off two house mates Kara-Louise and Tracy, this Friday will reveal the winner, I definitely don’t want Carole, Ziggy, or Liam to win, I’d prefer the twins, Brian or Jonty I think is his name, he’s a bit weird but seems like a cool person and has been really nice, I’m surprised he stayed in this long. So hopefully I catch that on Friday before I leave. When I get back home I think I’ll find a movie to watch to cheer me up because she (Alice) has brought me down. Yesterday I watched Are we done yet? that is the sequel to Are we there yet? Which was also very funny. So I’m not sure what I’m going to watch tonight. Thanks Jessica for suggesting The Bourne Ultimatum which I do plan on seeing just don’t know when yet. I love Matt Damon’s movies, he is a great actor. I better get going, will return comments later tonight
hey sweetie, i love your page, so friggin cool, let me know if ya wanted to do an afflie exchange, i love your page!!! let me know!
Hey girl. Yay for moving into London! That truly sounds exciting… It’s such a happening place. (or so I’ve heard!) When I moved into Sydney from the outer suburbs my quality of life dramatically improved. I hope you can enjoy living there before you need to move away.
Anyway, I haven’t watched many movies lately… a good comedy sounds nice though. And I hope things between Alice and you become more amicable. You two seem to have a precarious relationship at times.
Thanks to you *hehe* I’ve totally gotten into watching movies lately LOL. You really do need to watch I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry, it’s really funny
I went and seen Halloween today and it was really good too, better than the original (forgive me everyone who likes all originals better than remakes!).
I still want to see the bourne ultimatum!! Damn he’s so gorgeous!!!
One site I’m luvin right now is OK it’s bootlegged movies and shows but its so nice to lay in bed and watch movies!!
Ahhh….London, I’ve never been but I’d love to go there! Glad your back with Alice, but you don’t sound too happy about it, I hope you 2 can work it out.
Hey i seen that movie, it was so funny, but the first was funnier. The house was so big, its so beautiful. Wish we had one that big, would be so much fun!!!
Omg you have to do more packing, omg i know how you feel i hated packing too. The worse part is when you got to leave some stuff behind
Best of luck with your packing and things get better with you and Alice. Have a great weekend.