I've been having thoughts that I'm not too thrilled about this domain name, so I might decide to sell it. I am not feeling it anymore. So I may begin to start having ideas for a new domain name. Maybe something funner you know? This is kind of boring sad to say :P So we were suppose to have someone come over to see the flat at like 1-1:30 and they never showed up, grr that makes me angry. Woke up extra early and post poned my shopping lmao. I did get to do it though. It was nice walking down the street, and all the beautiful colored leaves all over the ground sooo nice. I loved it! Oh btw Resident Evil is a must see movie, go go go and see it!!!! I think in the coming weeks, I'm going to put my fanlistings up for adoption, I don't think I'll put them all up because some do mean something to me. But most of them I will. I just don't see Continue Reading