Alice is off to London today to take care of some business and I can’t tell you how relieved I am. When she is here she can’t seem to let me have a minutes rest for computer time, I call it my “play time” and when I do you can be sure that she will ask me to do something. It never fails. So I have a good part of today to myself so might as well make the best of it, even though I stayed up late last night chatting to a sweet friend of mine. So how are things between us you are wondering, okay maybe you aren’t wondering. But I or should I say we decided to end it between us which I am happier with. I’ve been having some issues with her and this whole relationship and I feel much better now that we talked and we decided to try to be friends. I try but sometimes she forgets she is no longer my gf lol. So yes I am single!! Feels good. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. To be honest I didn’t think I could go on the way we were. She is not for me, to be honest I don’t feel women are for me at all. I don’t know if its because of the very shaky relationship I had with Alice or not. But I don’t think I’ll be dating anymore women, I can’t handle it. Alice was a lot to handle and I’m sure not all women are like that. But she has definitely changed my mind about it. This is so personal why am I even talking about it. Oh well I don’t care its my website I can talk about anything I want. Right so anyway, I don’t think I’ll be dating women at all. I am still attracted to men. I won’t say I’m bisexual because I am not. I just think that maybe I was confused for a while, maybe I still am I don’t know to be honest. I’m not going to worry much about it either. I will take life as it comes. Thats all I can really do.
As for site stuff nothing new to report. I am up to date with my current fanlistings, I know something I need to do is add fanlistings to my KIM list which I totally forgot, especially if I am going to be looking for people to adopt them. Yep on my todo list now. Omg you will never guess what I did yesterday, I actually applied for another namelisting, I know it’s so stupid but I love the name hahah. Oh well if I get it I will let you know what it is lol. I know bad me *slaps my hand* shame on you Emily lmao. I am so dying to make a new layout for my tutorials website I hate that one so much. I did make another one but I was not liking the format that much anymore. I may use the header though or not lmao I don’t know I’m confused now.
Oh yeah I finally hit my 1 year marker on Nov 6 2007 for my movie challenge and now I need to go and count the movies, my goal was 100 movies in a year do you think I made it? I went way over that, I watched 259 movies in 1 year woohoo, can anyone beat that I dare you to. I’ll give anyone a week to do this challenge with me if not then I’ll challenge myself to 150 movies, if someone does want to challenge me than we’ll do 100 haha make it easy for them. Wow I can’t believe I did 259 movies way to go Emily lmao. I love watching movies, so that wasn’t such a hard task. I’m keeping up my page for my movies but will reorganize it for later. Ok thats about all I need to add one movie I added to what I have there now. I finally got to see The Bourne Ultimatum and I tell you that was a freaking fantastic movie, a definite must see! Ok well thats all for me now. I need to go add fanlistings to my KIM list, interested in one ore more of my fanlistings then go submit your name and the fanlisting you’d like to adopt from me at my collective over a Adored Beauty, ok bye for now.
Omg omg omg before I forget Millie that darling girl and affy, set up both fanlistings for me the Pixelfx fanlisting and the Emily fanlisting omg isn’t she just a sweetheart, thank you so much Millie you are a doll as I’ve always said. You must visit her, she has tons of content and her blogs are pretty entertainining too.
hey em how are u doing? aww i think that thing that happened is just a temporary thing i tihnk u guys eill make up. best part is making up right? lol
well anyway im glad you liked the fanlistings, i thought i would never get them up