Ok so here I am again, and I discovered that my collective domain name had expired and well I thought I lost it for good but I didn’t Yay!! I am so glad because all my fanlistings and stuff is hosted there. So I went and renewed that, and well I guess I have to wait the 24 hours or so for it to propagate so I guess I’ll wait for tomorrow. I am not sure when it went down, I think it was on the 12th but still it sucks ass because I had a few hostees and I’m sure theya ren ot happy, but everything will be as it is once the domain name is set. The hosting is fine, it was just the domain name. How funny things happen when you get off line, why couldn’t things just be smooth and when you come back everything is the same? I hate that. I have a lot of emails to get to and updating on my directory as well, I emailed my staff and told them not to worry about March, and that I will be catching up. I feel terrible but what can I do but hope they understand. I also heard my little friend Millie site is down and has been for a good amount of time, I think he free host has done something I hope she gets online soon and fixes the problem. I know she had a lot of hostees and I’m sure a lot of people are not very happy, I wouldn’t blame them but hey “shit happens” right? Hang in there Millie!!I had another layout put up but the blog portion wasn’t looking the same on IE and FF and I really don’t have the patience for it right now. So I put back this wonderful layout which I really do love, I’ll keep this up until I find something equally as beautiful
As for my personal life, well thats neither here nor there. I asked my other half “do you love me” her reply was yes about 50/50 like 50 gf and 50 friend, which is okay with me, because I do feel the same way. Then she changed it 60/50 lol. What ever I know its about what she said the first time lol. I totally agreed with her. She is down here now, were suppose to go to her sisters girlfriends bday party but to be honest I don’t want to go and I’m going to try to get out of it, lol, so wich me luck. I have my reason I really don’t want to share at the moment. I better go, as I need to make something for us to eat. I’ll update again soon. Have a great weekend everyone
Izzy says
Yeah what happened to Millie? if you find her let me know she was my affie and I miss her lol! I want to see her back.
I hate when stuff on the internet does happen like that. Kinda like my issue with the redirect on my index page since I installled wordpress it was supposed to redirect the wp page to my index but the stupid thing wasn’t working bleh! oh well like you said, crap happens lol. Hope everything with the party works out. I know it can sometimes be hard but maybe if your girlfriend wants you there it’ll mean a lot to her in the end.