So I haven't been up to much. Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Just about life in general I guess. I talk to Al sometimes about dreams we have, she said she's had dreams about her teeth falling out, I recall having a similar dream. People from her work were getting her all paranoid saying that "it means death" and such. I'm like no, I look at it like "out with the old, in with the new" thats kind of how I see the teeth falling out dream, like when we were little kids, our teeth fell out and we grew in our adult teeth. Anyone have any theories about that or know a website to go entertain myself with on dreams? Lol. Maybe I'll do some surfing late and see what I can come up to calm this woman down, lol. She calls me and asks me if I am okay, I'm like "yes, why" then she told me about the dream and what everyone said lol. Don't you Continue Reading