So I haven’t been up to much. Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Just about life in general I guess. I talk to Al sometimes about dreams we have, she said she’s had dreams about her teeth falling out, I recall having a similar dream. People from her work were getting her all paranoid saying that “it means death” and such. I’m like no, I look at it like “out with the old, in with the new” thats kind of how I see the teeth falling out dream, like when we were little kids, our teeth fell out and we grew in our adult teeth. Anyone have any theories about that or know a website to go entertain myself with on dreams? Lol. Maybe I’ll do some surfing late and see what I can come up to calm this woman down, lol. She calls me and asks me if I am okay, I’m like “yes, why” then she told me about the dream and what everyone said lol.
Don’t you just hate when you set your alaarm clock and you rush yourself that you turn out setting it for pm instead of am. Omg that happened to me lol. I didn’t get a chance to go post something to Al but she’s not as mad as I thought she would be. She’ll get it by the 22nd, and today is only 18th and its going to London so its not going to take that long. She is taking her care in for service and they are going to give her a car for the time it’s in service, but she needs her license so I’m posting that and other documents to her that she needs. Yeah most people wouldn’t feel comfortable posting a drivers license, but then again you get it sent to you in the post anyway. Anyway fingers crossed that it arrives safely to her. I really need to be sure I set my alarm correctly next time. Anyway thats all I really got to say today. Oh yeah I watched Hitman last night, that wasa really great story. I liked how he bought the girl Nika was it, the vineyard aww how sweet. A must see movie, there are so many great movies I want to see, will I have the time lol, is there enough hours in a day lol, well see. So the thank you’s for the comments Faye, Trixie, Xaari, Trish. Thank you for the comments, and those that don’t leave a comment thanks for passing through anyway.
Millie says
Omg it’s like March now, update woman!! hahah no I’m kidding. Happy mothers day to you and your mommy, where ever she is, I’m sure she is with you. How are you doing? Thanks for leaving me luv on bebo, you are stellar! Talk to you soon
Trish says
Oh man i’ve had the alarm situation happen to me more than once! haha. Its always such a mess.
Also, i googled the teeth dreams and i found these two websites:
Hope they help! Talk to you soon. x
Destiny says
I hear ya about the clock… I hate it because I start tripping out and wondering why my alarm would not go off properly. Hopefully you weren’t late for whatever it was you were waking up for!
Millie says
That damn alarm omg that happens to me too. i try to have a backup just in case though, but i’m on half ter mnow so yay, get to work on my site. oh yeah its open open open lol. thanks so much for the vday gift too i loved it so much so cute hehe, thakns for the kind comments. how you been doing? good i hope *cuddles*
Sara says
I’d positively FREAK OUT if I had a dream like that…Though, I’ve had dreams were my limbs would just randomly fall off.
(Olivia) says
Yeah I hate when I do that. I always set the alarm on my cell for back-up. That is a strange dream. I don’t really look too much into analyzing dreams. Probably because my dreams are always real life scenarios, I’ve had to check with someone to make sure this or that didn’t really happen before, lol…
Tyler says
Well, thats just about strange. Ive never heard that dreaming about teeth falling out means death… the only dream I heard of meaning death, was the dreams you have where your falling. But thats only if you hit the ground…. And your alarm clock issue must have sucked. Were you mad? I would of been. That’s only happend to me once, and I missed school cause of it. Heh, go figure. Well im out for now. Cant wait to see your next post. Of, before I go, I would love to be your affiliate.