Well I thought about changing the theme up again, this one I'm not liking as much, I love the header but I'm not liking it much anymore because of the way the blog kind of fades down, it looks like its missing an image lol but it isn't. Thanks so much for the sweet comments on my sweet little angel Jayden, he is a little doll. Omg I want to hold him so much! How can you not when you see how sweet he looks. In the last post the picture of him, he looks like he's puckering up for a little kiss hehe. Aww omg I love him!!! Yeah anyway I got side tracked so easy with that little angel. But yeah I changed the theme, and think this looks kind of cool. I've thought about adding skins because then you can enjoy all the themes I've added, so I hope to try to play around with that in the near future. I just recently had an anniversary, well sort Continue Reading