I didn’t get a chance to really watch Big Brother 9 as it came out, so I am trying to catch up with what has been going on, so I have been watching Big Brother 9 on Youtube, if it wasn’t for Youtube I’d be losing out lol. Anyone watch Big Brother in England? Anyway so that’s something I’ve been doing the past 2 days. Really it started one morning, Al got on my laptop to watch the news, and she was watching something about some one arguing and being ejected from Big Brother, and I finally woke up to listen, and since then I have been watching it, because I wanted to see the build up to the point of whatever it is she said, to get herself ejected. To date, I have found her very rude, loud, and disrespectful, anyway I vote Alex out along with probably the rest of England’s population!! So its my marathon to catch up with whats going on in the Big Brother House. This is my 3rd Big Brother since coming to England. Last year’s was boring so I didn’t really watch it, but this one has provent to be really controvesial and exciting in my mind. Now that Alex is out of the house, the drama will have decreased, or will it? Guess we’ll see.
Well other than the Big Brother thing, not a lot is going on. We did do a lot of moving things to storage which is great because they needed to be done, less clutter in the flat. It’s a really logn story and there is no point in boring anyone about it, I already talked about it once and I think thats good enough. So apart from that, last night I had finally updated all my listings, and I’m happy about that. Now I need to cathc up again with my web directory List-Me.Com so that needs o be done, I need to check on what stafff members have submitted thier troubles list, and well if some of them haven’t I need to replace them. Because I think that it needs to be done regularly and if someone isn’t going to do thier part they don’t need to be part of the staff, not that I don’t appreciate what they’ve done, I do! But I also like to be told if they cannot continue, which a good percentage of them don’t and never tell me, well that not very fair I go on and replace though, there really isn’t much else I can do. I have to recommend you watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crsytal Skull it was such a good film, I’d totally buy it! Go and watch the trailer and see what its about if you haven’t seen it yet! Tonight I plan on having a film night, maybe watch 2 or 3 films. Yes I have no friends lol. Well here in England I don’t have many, I have more online then off line, but back in American I have loads, and I miss them all. Okay well thats all for now. I’m going back to finish my Big Brother Marathon!
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