I have a rant, it’s about inconsiderate people. Ok I have several domains, that I am trying to keep up with and update. Sometimes I just don’t have the time to do it. Anyway at Pixelfx.org I host people, for nothing!! Not one little penny yes? Okay so I ask very simple things from these people. Keep in touch with me, let me know you are going to go on hiatus for more than a month, notify me when you are moving out, and link me back somewhere. Not a lot to ask for being hosted free yes? Well I decide to do a bit of clean up and check some of my hostees see whats going on with their websites, well one hasn’t completely moved in and its been well over the amount of time I give her, so I’ll be sending her a email, another didn’t bother to tell me he moved out and just left the contents as they were (thank you peanut), another runs a Porsche fanlisting and hasn’t update in almost 3 months. Ok so I’ve had that domain for quiet a while now, and have not updated myself, because most of what I am doing is internally. You can’t see it by just visiting. I’m just upset is all, I give my time and space, space I pay for, for nothing. I don’t get much back do I? So I am having plans of installing wordpress and try to work my tutorials around that script, since it’s a very stable script and it’s what I use here, so I’m fairly familiar with it. I’m excited about that, it really needs a change, so I hope to do that this week *keeps fingers crossed* Ok that’s the end of my mini rant.
I kept the banner from the BAFAB on my sidebar for those that might be interested in participating If you don’t know what I am talking about you can look at my last post and read or just click this link and read it there. OMG speaking of books, about a week ago, I visited Beckie’s website and read her blog, where she was holding a contests to win a Sex and The City Movie book or any book on Amazon or something like that hehe and well I gave it a shot and YAY I won the Sex and The City Movie book, its a gorgeous book below is a photo of it.
So there you are, a few pictures of the front, the inside front flap, and the back inside flap, isn’t it amazing!! I am so excited about it, I have to thank Beckie a million times lol. It was nice to be able to win something, when you feel you never do. I guess that’s my one win for the next 5 or so years. I can’t even remember the last time I won something apart from a scratch it game on facebook lol. Anyway hope everyone in England is enjoying our recent weather, it’s so beautiful. I think this week I’d like to go spend some time on the sea front and just walk and take pictures. I hate doing it alone, it’s so much more fun when someone is with me, I don’t have to talk to myself lol.
One final thing, if anyone stumbles on this page, or visits and reads all the way down here lol, please click this link, then click the banner of The Bangles and help me win tickets to see The Bangles in Paris!!! Paris has been a childhood dream of mine and to go there and see The Bangles that would be so amazing, please click!! Oka well I’ll go now, see you laters as lil loca on youtube says. She’s a funny character. Okay well I’m really going now.
Cole says
ugh, i had a hostee once who just up and left.. without telling me!
Mishella says
Wow! I love your website and I hope you win the contest!! Best of Luck!
Ilse says
Hi Emily!
First of all, wow this site looks amazing! I should really visit it more
But yeah, it really sucks that people don’t stick to the rules.. Even since you’re such a great host! And it’s great that you want to update pixelfx again! Can’t wait to see something new on there
Congrats on winning the book! It looks huge, compared to your phone
I also clicked the link (several times, because i couldn’t figure out whether or not the click was counted..). I hope you win that prize as well!!
Jen says
I hate inconsiderate people. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to do what you’re asking. A simple email to say you’re moving out or that you need more time to move in isn’t asking a lot. And in my opinion, it shouldn’t matter whether you, as the domain owner, have updated or not. You’re the one paying for it; you can go as long as you want without updating. It’s different with hostees; they’re NOT paying for it, and then it just becomes an issue of wasting space. That’s why I don’t host; people just take advantage. I know not everyone is like that, but still. Guess your rant kinda turned into my rant there, lol.
CONGRATS on winning the book! That’s awesome!
I clicked the link as well.. good luck!
Amarilys says
I would be sooo mad if I was you. They seem to be VERY inconsiderate and they’re not following the rules! How dare they?! I hate people like that.
Oh wow, the book is soooo gorgeous! I didn’t know it was that big! I love it! I want one too!
I clicked on the link. Hope you win!