The only reason I did not update until after the 7th is because of the contest, now I have yet to find out if I won or not, but for what it is worth, thank you all so much for helping me by clicking you are all amazing and of course you will be mentioned in my blog, so thank you Chris , Megan, Brittany, Sakura, Amarilys, Loz, Kelsey, Sheasy, Mimi, Lyndon, Valerie, Amr, Wade, John, Chris and most of all Millie for posting on her site to ask everyone to click for me, thank you sweety!!
Ok well I didn’t get a chance to wish every American a Happy 4th of July, but I am now lol. And I hope you all had a great time. I unfortunately am in England and well they don’t celebrate American holidays, so yeah I was a bit lonely that day. My family is in America and I miss them all so much I just want them to know that. Not that they ever read this The weather was nice on the 4th if I can recall correctly, but then the 2 days that followed was all rain rain lol. Yeah it’s so weird to get rain during summer! Oh well it was nice sometimes. I have always loved the rain. I don’t have much else to say really, this is like a super short short post lol.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I am going to do an affiliate clean out well because my affiliates don’t bother to visit, yeah yeah I know we all got busy lives. But hey why be an affiliate or do an exchange with me if you don’t visit? I have visited, but yeah so I feel it’s due time for a clean out and put some people up that would actually visit and not just looking for a free link on my sidebar. Okay so I should do that sometime this week. I’ll still go visit them but they will just be moved to exchanges in my subpage. Am I wrong to do this? Hmm well I feel its right for me. I want people to come to my site, and actually be interactive with me, a comment on a blog is not a lot to ask, Again I know that everyone is busy with their lives including myself. Ok I’m starting to feel guilty now lol. I guess I’ll give this a think. Okay well I’ll go for now. If you have an opinion then leave me it okay? I’d like to know what you think about the whole affiliate/exchange thing. Ok bye bye for now!
Congratulations on winning the contest!!! That’s so cool!
I do regular clean-ups of my affiliates too. I put the ones who regularly visit my site on my sidebar (and those who put me on their sidebar as well) and move the rest to a page if they don’t keep in touch for months at a time – then eventually I delete them (but notify them first). I think that’s fair.
I want to live in England!!!
I read on your twitter that you won! I just wanted to say Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Did you win the tickets or what? My 4th of July was fun and I blogged about it if you’re interested. Just got a lot of stuff going on here and I blogged some not all of it. Its up to you to decide what to do about the affiliates stuff. Im gonna toodle off to clean the apt. Have fun!
I hope you won!!!! I was wondering what happened to you LOL
Good luck with your affiliate clean up. I have to do one myself. I swear, people ask to be affiliates and then they never come back LOL
Hope you’re having a good day and keep us posted!!