I wonder how many posts I have with that subject title lol. Yeah finally got around to upgrading it, didn’t take along at all. I need to also upgrade a script I have for my collective @ kiss-me.org, I keep saying I will then I don’t. So I really should do that soon. What else hmm oh yeah my heart got broken but I’ll leave that subject alone. No point in boring people about it. I’m considering on changing the theme, but haven’t because its so summery looking and I like it, but the yellow font color for links is annoying me, and the blue font for text haha. I’ll deal lol. So I was talking to one of my affies Kryz and she was telling me there is a plug-in that can upgrade your wordpress automatically the link is here, if you are interested. I think that’s clever, although I didn’t install it hehe. I told her I was a bit scared to let it do it lol, I don’t know why lol. Speaking of affies, I am adding another after I’m done with the post, I’m going to be adding Fatima, she’s really sweet, visit her, visit all my affies!
I also have vowed never to create another fanlisting again, but I made an exception lol. I had recently discovered this really funny American TV show called The Big Bang Theory, and I just love love love that show, omg its so funny. You have to see it. If you have seen it what do you think about it? When I seen the first episode, and fell i love with Sheldon haha, yeah omg I love geeks, but he has this intellectual humor about him I just adore! Jim Parsons plays the character Sheldon Cooper! Well I loved his character so much, that I was curious if there was a fanlisting for the actor, because I wanted to join the fanlisting, well I found out there wasn’t and naughty me went and submitted and I was notified I got it! So I’m really excited about that! So I’ll be blogging about that soon enough. There is Britain TV show that I love as well, its called The IT Crowd, yes about geeks lol, but it’s so funny you really got to watch it! Or find it if you aren’t from Britain! So that’s all there is about that.
I watched some cool movies recently, lol, when don’t I? My commenters don’t seem to like horror much, I mean to me it’s like nothing. I mean it’s “just” a film?! That’s exactly how I see it, so it’s very hard for me to have nightmares about horror films I watch. Once in a while I’ll get spooked, but I rarely do. I’m so weird So anyway I watched Deck The Halls, I didn’t get a chance to see it and finally did and it’s hilarious I loved it. Earlier in the night I watched Wargames: The Dead Code, it wasn’t to bad, enjoyed watching that with Chris. And like a day or two ago we watched The Killing Floor that was pretty good. I liked it anyway, so did Chris. As I was doing my card dropping for Entrecard I came arcross a site that had a little review about an upcoming film called The Echo, well I took a look at the trailer and it looks like it’s going to be a good film. Lead actor is Jesse Bradford, if anyone remembers one of Angelina Jolie’s first films back in 1995 called Hackers, where she played a female hacker called Acid Burn, well there was a young actor, seemed to be the youngest of them all going by the character name of Joey Pardella, well he’s the film The Echo, and wow he looks so hot haha omg how he’s grown up to be a hottie! Hackers happens to be one of my favorite films Anyway, the film The Echo, is a remake of a Japanese version of the film by the name Sigaw, and really you know how good those Japanese horror films are, permitting you are into horror which I am! haha I just thought I’d share all that lovely information with you Ok I’ll close here, anyway have a lovely week everyone!
I’m sorry you got your heart broken.
I’ve been wanting to upgrade wordpress but I’m scared it’s going to mess up my site or something. I might try tonight, wish me luck LOL
That’s a cute cam pic
I don’t know why people don’t like horror movies. They’re the best!!! I don’t really get scared, but if I ever do, I start thinking that it’s just a film and I try to imagine how they had to put the makeup on the character or how i they made the special effects. That helps.
Anyway, hope you’re doing good!
@Wyther: Oh no not my form, grr I’ll have to look into that, thank you and yes I’d love to be affies
I was wondering if you’d be interested in becoming affiliates? I put your link up on my sidebar. Let me know. I couldn’t get your contact form to show up so I just decided to ask in the comments box instead.