I have to apologize as I have come online a few times at the library but have not updated and thought why not, i’ll go ahead and do it now since it’s the 1st of October yay! I’m staying in London at the moment, I think I’m going to stay here until I leave back to California. I was staying here helping a friend out, but I was offered to stay up until my departure so thats great! I’m really excited about seeing the family again, it’s been 3 years I miss them so much. I’ll need to go collect my things this weekend so that I have what I need since this turned out to be a longer stay Which is nice and I don’t mind at all. Change of scenery is always good. But while being here I haven’t had any internet so I’m thankful for the local Library, it should be live probably at the end of the week or weekend *fingers crossed*
I finally got my items from The Bangles, from that one contest I posted about. Yeah finally OMG they took so long haha. I got 2 CDs one is signed so I’m excited about that, a T-shirt that is too small lol, a small signed poster, some buttons and a sticker, to be honest I think the concert and meeting them would of been 1000 times better and more memorable, but just my luck lol, I’m not complaining, well maybe a little but I hope to see them live some day. I’ll post a picture later of the gifts I was given.
My mate Al has finally moved into her new place with her gf, she’s really happy with it, I’ve visited and it is nice, very modern looking, very posh! I personally think she moved in with her new gf way too fast but hey if they are happy then more power to them right? and they said that there is always a room here for me if I am wanting to move in with them, so I may take them up on that when I return to England as its closer to London where there are more jobs, well I hope there are lol. Well thats all for now, thanks for the visits.
Have fun in California!
BTW, you screenshot of pixelfx.org isn’t linked to that site, It’s link to this site. Thought you should know.