Wow look it’s April already, firstly let me say Happy Birthday to my brother Eric and Happy Birthday to my sister Jackie and niece Jennifer, as they both share the same birthday on the 11th and in case I don’t post again I wanted to get that out there. I know I haven’t posted, but now I am at almost 5 am in the morning, NO I haven’t been up, I went to sleep at 9:30 pm and then Steve a special guy *wink* messaged me and well I wanted to talk to him because he’s special like that So we talked for a good hour, then I thought OK now I’m awake, what can I do now? So I was looking around on my computer and started moving files to my external drive because I have wanted to restore my computer, it’s been acting up lately. I also thought while I’m moving files, I’ll write a post. I was fiddling around with themes but since I left this through winter and now it’s Spring, and Summer is not that far off, I may just leave it. I liked this other one I had before as well, so I am not sure which I will use. I like summery ones considering the time of the year. I know with the other theme, my two columns don’t show up like on this one, and I am really partial to two columns, wow I just realised I have not updated my cam photo, I guess I should do that!
Monday I have a very important appointment in Los Angeles, I really don’t like having to go all the way out there, considering where I am it will take about 2 hours to get there. So I hope it goes smoothly in my favor, so if you read this before April 6th, wish me loads of luck. I don’t want to share my personal business, so that’s the most I’ll say, just know that it’s really vitally important and would make me very happy if things went good.
So have you ever joined a social network site, and got really caught up with it, so much that you started to neglect your website, haha yeah that is why I haven’t been around here, well it’s not myspace gosh no, or facebook, I do go on both a bit but not that much because they are on the boring side. NO this other one is an “adult” site, not like naughty or anything, just a lot more adults are on it than teens, which is something I like because they are mature, then again not all of them hahaha, some act worse than teenagers I kid you not. Anyway so I’ve been on there, having fun, I think I had been entitled to that. I’ve been on it since hmm December of 08, and I won’t share what site it is because I don’t want you stalking me there, but if you are really really really interested hehe, email me. So that’s really all that’s happening. Ok I am going to watch a film at 5am lol, and try to dose off. Have a good weekend all.
I just did a search on you and found one of your sites. I am really impressed – this is a cool blog. You are an amazing person!!! Talk to you soon!!!