This morning as we sipped some coffee, we were watching the morning news, and they were talking about texting while driving and how dangerous it can be, I completely agree with that. They provided a commercial that is being shown on youtube at this time, about 4 girls driving down a road, the driver texting, well you can imagine the rest, but watch the video below so you can see what happens. It's so very sad. Keep in mind girls are not the only ones texting and doing other things such as driving and walking down the street. Warning: It is a graphic video. [youtube: 300 250] Did you notice in the video the little girl asking for her parents to wake up, that is sad, but what's even sadder is the shot they move to when you see the baby infant lying there with his eyes not moving. I believe he Continue Reading
Archives for August 2009
Do You Believe?
The full question really is, do you believe in ghosts? I think for the past few weeks, I've been watching a lot of ghost/paranormal related type TV shows, I won't say I'm addicted to them because that is a strong word. It's just so very curious, and I can't help not watching them. I really enjoy Ghost Hunters (TAPS), that's a great show, as well as Ghost Hunters International. I've watched both since I was back in England. Speaking of TV shows, I finished watching the first season of Dexter, wow what a season finale, OMGOSH!! I can't wait to start watching season 2. I started writing this like two hours ago, and I got so distracted with other things lol. Why do I do that is beyond me. It's lunch time, and I am hungry, so I am going to do that, and then return and finish this up. Ok so I have been gone a good amount of time, actually Continue Reading
The Heat Is On
The weather is back to being hot and humid. It's suppose to be like this next few days, odd thing is that suddenly it felt as if it cooled off, maybe it's because the a/c going, well I hope it don't get hotter. Although yesterday it was going but it was so hot. Suppose to be in the 90 next few days. It's all about trying to stay cool now. I had my nails done on Saturday, which I'm really happy about, but I am not liking the nail polish. I'm thinking of removing the polish, and just putting a clear coat. Plus I think they maybe a little too long. Gosh am I complaining? Lol. As usual, haha! I wanted to thank William for taking me to do my nails, and helping me out there, you are the best hun! Weekend was pretty chill, William made some wicked Chicken, he's a really good cook, better than me (i'm embarrassed to say) hehe. Well heh as the Continue Reading