I can clearly feel the changes in the weather. This may seem trivial to some, but for me it’s something I’ve been waiting for. I’ve never lived in the East Coast, always been a West Coast girl. But now I am in Mass, and there is going to be extreme changes for me, starting with weather. When I first arrived, I experienced high humidity, which I was not use to. If I had come a month earlier, I would of enjoyed the rain, but I didn’t. If you know me, you know I don’t like the humidity, a lot of people probably don’t. I know and understand that is something I need to accept and get use to if I plan on being in the East. From my experience, it don’t last long, thank goodness William has been a true angel, with dealing with me and how the humidity affects me, can we say “grouchy” lol, bless him! He put up with a lot, and in retrospect I feel terrible. I’m sorry William, if I was unbearable. Now with the changes in weather, and the humidity long gone, it’s time to break out the sweaters. I haven’t done so yet, but I probably will by next week.
I recently re-injured my knee again, but not as bad as last time, and healing usually tasks a few days. I’m glad, I seriously need to go get my nails done, they are much too long. You should see how many typos I make while writing this post. It’s funny actually. Gosh but it gets annoying too. During my little break from the internet, I began to feel not so much lazy to come back to it, maybe I was just enjoying the time away from it. I am back now, and need to continue updating List-Me.Com as I’m slowly catching up with cleaning out dead websites, and the help I am getting from my staff is tremendous and appreciated. Everything is such a slow process. I wished I could just blink and it’s all updated, but no such luck hey?
I’ve recently been watching TrueBlood, and it’s been really good. Last time I watched I was cheated the ending to an episode which made me but I moved on to the next one, then the episode just was really bad, and that is because one of the hosts had problems, so now that it’s been a few days, well more than a few. I can now get caught up. I really like the show, and don’t want to miss any of it. It’s disappointing because if you miss one episode you miss a lot.
This past Saturday, we went to the King Richard’s Renaissance Faire, it was really exciting, I took loads of pictures. I’m, anxious to post them up, but I think I’ll wait until my next post and put some up. Very colourful people there, rides, shows, it was a lot of fun. Again I must thank William for taking me, I met his Sister and her family, they are as lovely as he has told me. His nephew RJ was so attached to William, and looks so much like him, he could pass for his son. His nephews are so adorable, his sister is sweet, her husband I didn’t really talk much too, but he had a few interesting things to say. Overall, I really enjoyed myself, and if you live in the area, I say go, it’s wicked fun. I think this post needs to come to an end. Have a great day everyone.
Vanessa says
I don’t like the humidity either. You get all hot and sticky.. ECK! I like the cool/cold weather.