The weekend is coming, but unfortunately we won't have much sun. Which is okay, because I am partial to the wintery weather. Think about it. Hot cocoa with mini marshmallows, grabbing a nice soft comfy blanket and covering yourself while watching TV, gosh even cuddling is nice, permitting you have someone to cuddle, hey the dog will do too :) *hugs Bear* lol. Bear is such an adorable and cuddly dog, always cuddling up with me on the couch. I've always been around cats, so having a dog do that is really cool. I had Chico back in California, but he was a tiny little chihuahua, so there is a considerable big difference. Bear is bigger, lots more hair, and really warm and cuddly. Ok well as promised I have the photos from King Richards Faire from 2 weeks ago, so sorry about posting them late. Anyway here they are enjoy them. I had loads of Continue Reading
Archives for September 2009
Fall Is Upon Us
I can clearly feel the changes in the weather. This may seem trivial to some, but for me it's something I've been waiting for. I've never lived in the East Coast, always been a West Coast girl. But now I am in Mass, and there is going to be extreme changes for me, starting with weather. When I first arrived, I experienced high humidity, which I was not use to. If I had come a month earlier, I would of enjoyed the rain, but I didn't. If you know me, you know I don't like the humidity, a lot of people probably don't. I know and understand that is something I need to accept and get use to if I plan on being in the East. From my experience, it don't last long, thank goodness :) William has been a true angel, with dealing with me and how the humidity affects me, can we say "grouchy" lol, bless him! He put up with a lot, and in retrospect I Continue Reading
New England Aquarium
Well here they are. When I take pictures, I usually turn out taking pictures of the place I am visiting, opposed to pictures of myself. I don't know why I do that I just do. I'm sure a lot of other people do the same thing. Anyway so we went to the New England Aquarium. It was a big place, so much to see. I loved it though. The seals, sharks, tropical fish. Wow definitely a place everyone should visit. Anyway there were places that it was difficult to take good pictures, the lighting and all, perhaps I need a better camera? Maybe you never know what Santa Clause well bring, but, have I been good? I have loads of pictures, but didn't want to post them all gosh no lol. Thank you William for taking me, and showing me a fabulous time. We seen Quincy Market, but we didn't stay that long as it was getting late, and I seen parts of Boston, Continue Reading