That is right, 4 fabulous days until my birthday, I have to be honest and say, this week until my birthday I am going to post a blog each day. I have never done that, but thought I'd start on the 10th day, but said 'nawww' so I went with today, so it's really what? Four days? Not bad! My birthday is on Friday the 4th of December! I don't really look forward to them much, but I hope this one will be a little different. And well being I'm in a new state, and in a new house, it's already beginning to be different, and not to mention William, he has been so sweet, kind, funny and so easy to get along with. We crack up all the time, and he cooks girls, he cooks!!! Speaking of cooking we had a really good time on Thanksgiving, the food was great, everything came out just right. I tell you William is a really good cook, it's "his" kitchen lol. Continue Reading
Archives for November 2009
Happy Thankgiving!
Turkey day, happy gobble gobble day lol, for those of you who do celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving, for those that do not, have a lovely day :) This year I am spending Thanksgiving here with William, we will be making our own Thanksgiving dinner, his first in his home, he's had this house for 4 years and never made a Thanksgiving dinner, so this will be the first and a historical occasion. This will be a whole new experience for both of us. Last year I was at my sisters', and before that the previous 3 years were in England and as you all know they do not recognize our Thanksgiving day, but that is okay, we don't recognize their Guy Fawkes day either, so yeah. Anyway, I found out that William isn't too partial to Pumpkin Pie *the horror* seriously because I love Pumpkin Pie, I make my own, but now what's the point if he won't have any :( Continue Reading
Early Bird, Gets The Worm!
Ok so my day did start pretty early, as it usually does. I'm on the laptop already starting a post. I'm really glad I did laundry this weekend, because there is a lot I'd like to do online, my stuff, plus helping out Alice with her website as well. Not to mention doing a bit of shopping online, got to take advantage of what I can online. I don't have a car at the moment, and well William uses his truck to get to work, so I have to do some of my shopping online. I have things to sort out before I even consider getting another car. I left my other car back in California, trust me it would of never made the road trip to Massachusetts. Besides it would be creepy driving cross country alone *shivers* so I'm best off like this, well sort of lol. I wasn't much for shopping online, but I have been really lucky and found some good stuff. I won't Continue Reading