Turkey day, happy gobble gobble day lol, for those of you who do celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving, for those that do not, have a lovely day This year I am spending Thanksgiving here with William, we will be making our own Thanksgiving dinner, his first in his home, he’s had this house for 4 years and never made a Thanksgiving dinner, so this will be the first and a historical occasion. This will be a whole new experience for both of us. Last year I was at my sisters’, and before that the previous 3 years were in England and as you all know they do not recognize our Thanksgiving day, but that is okay, we don’t recognize their Guy Fawkes day either, so yeah. Anyway, I found out that William isn’t too partial to Pumpkin Pie *the horror* seriously because I love Pumpkin Pie, I make my own, but now what’s the point if he won’t have any I’ll turn out eating it alone *sniff* So I guess we’ll just make Apple Pie I’ll make a Pumpkin Pie and take to his sister’s house, we are invited for Christmas there, but on the 20th, so everyone can be at their own homes on Christmas, which is nice.
So today I’m talking to William on Yahoo, and he says “Hey they are letting me out early from work” I’m like “No way, that’s awesome!” I ask him what time is he leaving he’s like “I’m out of here now!” and then I reached for something on the desk and knocked over something to the floor that made a bit of a mess, what’s worse is he asked me if I took out the Turkey *blink blink* I say “OMGosh I totally forgot” so, of course, I dashed out the kitchen to take it out. It should thaw out by tomorrow afternoon, “I hope” I’m worried now. I’ll just let it sit in hot water lol. I hope I didn’t mess this up *fingers crossed*
So what’s going on for Thanksgiving? Well football obviously, the American pastime. Oh and we got the film Angels and Demons, OMG I’ve been waiting to see the film, I read the book and I’m positive the film is a lot better! We seen another few episodes of Battlestar Galactica on Tues and Wed, it’s getting close to the end, and it’s making me sad lol because I really like the show. V was on last night too, towards the end, it just froze and we can only hear the sound, it’s maddening. We recorded the show with DirectTV, so why is it doing that? Was it a problem with the Satellite? Grr, it’s annoying it’s not the first time either! Hope it doesn’t mess with today’s shows, Ghost Hunter and all. Anyway, I better get going I got a Lil mess on the floor that needs picking up. Happy Thanksgiving again, stay safe, and have a lovely weekend.
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