Oh yes, baby! One more day until my birthday wow, it’s come so fast, it was just William’s birthday not too long ago, and now mine. Then Christmas will be here and then New Years’, and before you know it, it’ll be Valentine’s. Yes, that’s how fast it all goes. Gosh, where does the time go? Does time really speed up as you get older? So I woke up this morning groggy as always lol, but then realize it’s like 60 something today, although the temperature is supposed to drop. I poked my head out the door as William left for work, and I can feel the warmth in the air, I was like wow! It won’t last but it was nice. In California, if we had this kind of sudden change of weather we’d all be saying “earthquake weather” lol, seriously and then one would follow like not too long after, few days or something. Not a big one, but still something would be shaking. The last earthquake California had was yesterday in Central California which was about a 2.6, yeah I see it on this earthquake website, interesting stuff!
This week we’ve watched some Christmas shows on TV, we saw How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966), and we saw Santa Clause (1994), the little boy in this film is so adorable. We also saw Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964), and Frosty the Snowman (1964), hehe I just love these films, the classics are awesome, oh yeah we saw A Christmas Carol (1984) with George C. Scott, I saw that version so that was cool to watch. There are lots of Christmas films and TV shows that’ll come out, so it’s going to be a fun month to watch them. I’ll have to watch some of the newer versions to see what they are like as well. Think I’ll go to YouTube and see what they are like. Has anyone seen the film A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey? I’m curious about that one, I’ll leave you all a video to check out.
Meanwhile, I got stuff I need to get to. I still have not finished those two fanlistings, and I really need to try to do that today, hopefully, I will have minimal interruptions. I have tons of laundry to do, but I don’t think I can carry those heavy clothing hampers down those narrow stairs, I always ask William to take them down. I’ll have to wait until he gets home, and that won’t be until like 8 pm tonight, as he has a meeting later after work, my gosh long day for him. Anyway, I suppose I should get going, have a lovely day everyone.
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