It’s here, my birthday (I couldn’t resist posting that icon there lol) OMGosh it’s here. Yay! Ok well my birthday actually started yesterday, first with sweet William sending me some beautiful flowers, they are beginning to bloom, so that was soo very sweet of him. Then later, he got home with presents yay! Who doesn’t love presents? Well he knows I am a big fan of Battlestar Galactica, and we had talked about the show many times, I’ve even thought about getting the DVD collection, but while looking at it, I noticed that they would send you a tall metal replica of the Cylon, so knowing this, he got me a Cylon action figure, omgosh it’s so cute, I loved it. He also knows I am a big fan of Ghost Hunters: TAPS, so he got me a starter kit hehe. So we can actually do a little ghost hunting, oh that’s spooky!
When I opened up my birthday card out dropped out two tickets to go see the Boston Bruins! The last time I went to see a hockey game was gosh years ago, and he knew I wanted to see a game, so that was my other gift. He got some really good club seats, hmm I wonder if they serve drinks there lol. Ok, so that was really thoughtful of him. He is a big fan of all that too, but he knew I liked that stuff, so that was really super sweet of him, he totally rocks he really does, thank you so much, sweety. Now for pictures lol.
Ok here is the lovely roses William sent to me for my birthday, aren’t they gorgeous? I think so. this is how they looked before I took them out of the packaging, so pretty!!!

These are the flowers in the vase, which btw is really pretty, they will look gorgeous once fully bloomed.

Here is my Ghost Hunters starter kit hehe, for those that watch Ghost Hunters: TAPS you know exactly what I am talking about. I love it, and I’m going to have fun using, and getting spooked out like crazy hehe.

And here are my tickets to go see the Boston Bruins kick the Atlanta Thrashers asses on the 30th of Dec hehe. Woo, go Bruins!

I have to share the card that William got me, it’s so pretty and special, as he is to me.
There is a part inside the card that says “It’s impossible to forget the people we care about, and the special days that belong to them” isn’t that just sweet, the rest is personal
Any Battlestar Galactica fan knows what this is. It’s a Cylon getting ready for an attack, ahhh RUN everyone, RUN lol!!!

Look he’s going to destroy the Eiffel Tower, noooo not the Tower hehe, someone stop him!!

Omgosh that was fun, I felt like I was playing with action figures hehe. William is going to get a kick out of this post, he usually does. So today, well later this afternoon, we are going to see New Moon, weee I am so excited, and then grab something to eat, and then I’m not really sure what else, perhaps a little shopping, because there is a little shopping list, and I’d like to get to that, plus I’d like to pick up some stocking stuffers Ahh, we’ll see. Gosh, my tummy hurts, like butterflies sort of no wait, not butterflies, just like a not-so-good feeling, ugh I hate when I get this feeling, hope it goes away. Anyway, I will end my birthday post here. Have a lovely weekend everyone.
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